The Weird but Wonderful Benefits of Chaga Tea

Chaga tea is famous in Europe for its amazing health benefits with no to less side effects on the consumer. (Photo Credit)
Chaga tea is famous in Europe for its amazing health benefits with no to less side effects on the consumer. (Photo Credit)

Chaga mushroom is one of the ugliest mushroom that you will ever see, but this fungus that grows as a parasite on white birch trees have wonderful health benefits. Chaga mushroom is widely used as a folk medicine in many North European and Russian countries since the 16th century.

Inonotus obliquus is used to treat a variety of ailments like stomach, liver, heart problems, sleep issues, stress, tuberculosis, infections, and even headaches, as reported in the Web MD. In some countries like Siberia, chaga is used as a blood cleanser and disinfectant. While chaga tea for cancer is famous in Norwegians, which is why they call the fungus kreftkjuke meaning cancer polypore.

Russian author and Nobel laureate Alexandr Solzhenitsyn introduced chaga to the world making it famous as an anti-cancer medicine. Solzhenitsyn suffered cancer himself so he found a way to help patients like him have a natural medicinal supplement.

Chaga Mushroom Tea Health Benefits

According to the article in Live Strong, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center made a study that demonstrated the anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immune-strengthening properties of chaga mushroom.

The Feng Shui London reported that Chaga is a primary adaptogen, immune system modulator, anti-cancer, gastrointestinal tonifier, and DNA protective agent.

Here are the top six health benefits of chaga tea:

  1. Strengthens immunity
  2. Soothes pain
  3. Supports gastrointestinal health
  4. Stabilizes blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  5. Reduces risk of cancer
  6. Antioxidant

Chaga is rich in different vitamins, minerals and natural compounds like super oxide dismutase, polyphenols, betulin and betulinic acid, beta glucans, phytosterols, and polysaccharides. These are the main ingredients to making a superfood like chaga mushroom which can be truly deceiving at first glance.

Side Effects of Chaga Mushroom

Chaga mushroom contains beta glucans that kind of display minor side effects like other mushrooms, such as reishi mushroom. Some people taking chaga tea report experiencing dry mouth and throat, itchiness, upset stomach, nosebleed and bloody stools.

How to Brew or Make Chaga Tea Bags

Approximately 12 cups of water should be bring to boil before adding 1 teabag of chaga mushroom or one-fourth cup of chaga chunks. About 12 cups will be made by making chaga tea recipe.  The solution should be heated at low heat setting for at least one hour and filtered to remove the solid mushrooms. Leave the solution overnight before consumption. Learn how to fight stress with chaga tea.

Cooled chaga tea is best served with natural honey, lemon juice, or maple syrup for added flavor.

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The Never-Ending Benefits of Chaga Mushroom Tea

Inonotus Obliquus, or Chaga, is a known kind of mushroom that commonly grown on birch trees in areas with colder climates in the Northern Hemisphere. The Global Healing Center agreed that this fungus seriously doesn’t look trustworthy at first glance. But looks can be deceiving because this mushroom is considered a superfood since the ancient times.

Experts said that these fungus look like encrusted black formations on wounded or dying white trees in temperate forests. It grows by eating the remains of tree cavities after a storm breaks the tree and cover it for protection.

(Photo Credit)

This awful-looking chaga mushroom can provide much more than looks since it possesses countless health benefits that amaze many scientists and experts. (Photo Credit)

Health Benefits of Chaga Mushroom

Chaga mushroom tea health benefits have been appreciated for centuries and have been proven by many studies to date. Benefits of chaga include improved digestion, less stress, anti-cancer, and better immunity. 

The Mother Earth News said that Chaga mushroom has exceptional high antioxidant properties that fight off the formation of free radicals in the body. Free radicals damage the body so its formation should be prevented by taking foods high in vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin B and different kinds of minerals like calcium, copper, iron, and zinc which are all found in chaga mushroom. Therefore, it also alleviates one’s risk of cancer.

Most of the health benefits of chaga mushroom tea were performed in Russia where chaga in very abundant.

Another benefit is the strengthened immunity. Drinking chaga tea regularly can boost a weakened immunity because it contains polysaccharides like beta glucans that stimulate the production of healthy cells in the body. In addition, chaga tea is also antiviral, antibacterial, anthelmintic, and anti-fungal.

Aside from these things, chaga is a natural source of melanin that promotes healthy skin. This pigment helps the skin to be clear and free from issues like rashes, acne, and eczema faster.

Lastly, chaga is considered an adaptogen that reduces that stress feeling which help balance the body inside and out. This leads to a more healthy cardiovascular health to avoid heart illnesses like hypertension, heart attack, and stroke. Find out how chaga mushroom tea helps treat cancer.

How to Make Chaga Tea Recipe

Chaga HQ listed how to make a good chaga tea, know where to buy wild chaga mushroom tea and use that to brew yourself a nice drink. Now, break the wild chaga to smaller chunks and drop a handful in a liter of water. Bring the mixture to boil and strain to remove the solids from the brewed tea. Add honey or maple syrup for a much better taste.

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The Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Chamomile is another ancient-old medicinal herb that is widely used in Greece, Rome, and Egypt. The herb became more popular in the Middle Ages because a number of people started to suffer from different kinds of illness and chamomile was the easiest and tasteful remedy. Furthermore, it is native across the world with many countries cultivating the herb like Egypt, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Morocco and different parts of Eastern Europe.

The beautiful chamomile flowers blossom every summer which feature its golden color and fruity taste.

Components of Chamomile

Organic chamomile tea benefits are directed to its active ingredients that are said to have healing properties such as volatile oils (for example: bisabolol, matricin, and bisabolol oxide A and B), flavonoids that have antioxidant properties, and other therapeutic compounds.

Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea

The Herb Wisdom tackled the benefits of drinking chamomile tea. Surprisingly, there is an extensive scientific research performed at the plant for more than 20 years and confirmed its therapeutic benefits mainly antispasmodic. Antiseptic, antipyretic, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-allergenic.


(Photo Credit)

Chamomile Tea is popular all over the world for its amazing health benefits, fragrant smell, and delicious taste as a drink. (Photo Credit)


One of the most popular is the health benefits of chamomile tea to sleep and anxiety since many people claimed that it helps them relax and sleep better. People with insomnia are also advised to take chamomile as a supplement rather than taking a medicine. The plant kind of has mild sedating properties that promote better and faster sleep. The Style Craze mentioned regular intake can eliminate troublesome sleep.

Anxiety is also treated using chamomile with the help of its wonderful fragrance which helps anyone relax. Studies said that the tea contains chemicals like luteolin and apigenin that promotes relaxation.

In addition, chamomile boosts the immune system to fight cold and common infections. It contains good anti-bacterial properties that will prevent the person from getting sick right away.

Its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties sooth intestinal cramps. So if you are asking, “Is chamomile extract tea good for you?” Then go try ahead and see that it helps especially for people with an upset stomach.

Furthermore, girls suffering from menstrual cramps and abnormally painful periods can take chamomile since it is already proven to be safe to ease that trouble away. It has high levels of amino acid glycine that reduces muscle spasms.

Lastly, chamomile tea provides relief from headaches as mentioned in the Health Site. Migraines, for example, is a common illness that many are complaining of so the best and natural way to counteract it is to take chamomile tea.

Chamomile Tea Recipe

The first thing to do is know where to buy chamomile leaves tea so the leaves can be used to brew fresh tea. Now, get 2-3 teaspoons of the leaves and boil it with a cup of water. Leave it for 3 minutes to allow infusion and strain to remove leaves before drinking. Lemon and honey can be added for sweetened taste.

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The Goodness of Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberries are one of the most nutritious fruits because of its high levels of vitamins and minerals. Aside from being delicious, its history of use as a medicine was traced back to the time of Jesus Christ. The popular fruit, Rubus idaeus, is native to many areas of Northern America and Europe. The leaves of raspberry are also popular as a medicinal herb which is mostly used in pregnancy, breastfeeding and childbirth, and all stages of woman life.

Components and Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea

Raspberry leaf is very rich in magnesium, iron, b-vitamins, and potassium that are common ingredients in easing leg cramps, nausea and improving the sleep of pregnant women. The intricate combination of these compounds make the health benefits of raspberry leaf tea special for the female reproductive system. Studies have shown that raspberry leaf takes effect in strengthening the pelvic muscles and uterus, which makes labors easier and faster as stated in Live Strong.

About 1% of women all over the world is using raspberry leaf in different types to help pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. (Photo Credit)
About 1% of women all over the world is using raspberry leaf in different types to help pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. (Photo Credit)

Furthermore, the raspberry leaf contains tannins that have astringent properties which are soothing for the body inside and out. Tinctures could be applied to damaged areas on the skin and also cure symptoms of gum diseases like gingivitis when used.

High concentration of vitamin C is present on the leaf which helps boost the immune system that is great for fighting off illnesses and giving energy when tired.

Effects of Raspberry Leaf on Women

Raspberry leaf is very much associated with all stages of the life of women. Although there are not many studies made to prove these claims, folk writings and centuries of popularity shown that it is indeed effective. But it is still best to consult a doctor prior to adding raspberry to your diet especially if you are pregnant.

Raspberry leaf tea benefits to pregnancy and fertility is discussed in Pregnancy AU and enumerated below:


Raspberry Leaf Tea Recipe

The Wellness Mama discussed how to make raspberry leaf tea recipe. The ratio should be 8 ounces of boiling water to 1 teaspoon-1 tablespoon of raspberry leaf will make a really good tea. The mixture should be covered and allowed to stand for 5 minutes and taken as a normal beverage. Others prefer the tea cold and fresh so simply let it cool inside the refrigerator after brewing.

How to Harvest Red Raspberry Leaf Herb

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Reishi Mushroom Tea and its Health Benefits

Ganoderma lucidum or reishi mushroom is famous in the East as a medicine ingredient. The name ‘reishi’ mushroom means “mushroom of immortality” with a direct Chinese translation of ling chih.

During the ancient Eastern times, reishi mushroom was even called the “medicine of kings” since it offers unbelievable health benefits that will ward off almost all kinds of illness. Reishi mushroom tea health benefits were highlighted by writer Rebecca Wood in her book entitles “New Whole Foods Encyclopedia” where she said, “Reishi indeed sounds like a cure-all”. Her explanation as stated in the Natural News states that reishi is an immunostimulant which has proven to be very helpful for people with HIV and AIDS, Epstein-Barr, leaky-gut syndrome, chronic bronchitis, cancer and other infectious illness. Minor benefits involve the mushroom to take effect as a laxative, as a diuretic, helps those with insomnia and lowers harmful cholesterol in the body.

Dried reishi mushroom is best used for tea to avoid its bitter taste and maximize the health benefits that it provides like treatment against cancer, infections, allergies and other diseases. (Photo Credit)

Dried reishi mushroom is best used for tea to avoid its bitter taste and maximize the health benefits that it provides like treatment against cancer, infections, allergies and other diseases. (Photo Credit)

The Benefits of Reishi Mushroom

It seemed odd that this fungus can make so much benefit to the human body. The medicinal benefits of red reishi mushroom tea are famous for its antioxidant properties wherein it fights irregularity in the cells lowering chances of cancer cell growth. A study published in the journal Experimental Oncology confirmed the effects of reishi on human cancer cells and the fungus astonishingly prevents further cell damage.

Since reishi mushroom is an immunostimulant, it means that it modulates, regulates and supports the immune system. The mushroom contains chemical compounds called polysaccharides like beta glucans that boosts the immunity.

Another benefit is that it lowers blood pressure making it a popular choice for people with cardiovascular issues. It is highly advised in APA’s “Practical Guide to Natural Medicine” that people with hypertension should take this fungus as a supplement. In effect, it also lowers cholesterol, stabilizes blood pressure and further prevents blood clotting.

Lastly, a lot of people are suffering from allergic reactions. Reishi mushroom is one of the favorite additive to blend with allergy teas, as stated in Live Strong.

Here’s a short summary of the illness that can be treated by reishi mushroom:

Making Reishi Mushroom Tea

The best way to brew or make reishi mushroom tea is with the use of dried and powdered mushroom. The raw or fresh mushroom is much less preferred since it tastes bitter and awful for most people, as said in the Health Line. it is recommended to drink the herb daily and a daily dose of the recipe will require half an ounce of dried reishi mushroom. The mushroom will be boiled with a pint and a half of water and put to simmer for another 45 minutes. Allow the mixture to stand for at least 30 minutes prior to consumption.

Reishi Mushroom, A Shen Tonic and Immune Modulator

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Find Wellness with Elderberry Tea

Elderberries or Sambucus is widely used in Europe, Western Asia, North America, and North Africa even in the ancient times. Because of its popularity, the medicinal benefits of elderberry are being studied and investigated.

Elder plants make berries but before the berries appear, flowers bloom that is used to make elderberry tea. Its is stated in the Live Strong that a study at the University of Maryland Medical Center showed few studies on elderberry flower tea benefits. But much of its benefits seem to be associated to its rich antioxidant flavonoids. Herbalist would often recommend elderberry as an add-on to a patient’s health care.

Elderberries are widely used all over the world for its simple but helpful health benefits although further research is needed to support these claims. (Photo Credit)

Elderberries are widely used all over the world for its simple but helpful health benefits although further research is needed to support these claims. (Photo Credit)

Components of Elderberry

Elderberry is rich in different kinds of healthy compounds like organic pigments, amino acids, carotenoids, tannin, sugar, flavonoids, viburnic acid, rutin, and vitamins A, B and lots of vitamin C. Elderberries are slightly diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative. According to the Herb Wisdom, the health benefits of organic elderberry tea to cold and flu are mostly associated with the flavonoids that contain anthocyanins which are very powerful antioxidants that protect the cells from suffering damage.


Elderberry Tea Health Benefits

Usually, elderberry is used to treat different kinds of infection from viruses and bacteria, sinus pain, body pain, nerve problems, boost the immune system, and fix chronic fatigue syndrome. Other studies have shown the potential of elderberry for treating cancer and hay fever or allergic rhinitis, and also increase urine flow and sweating for a cleaner bodily system, as reported in the Web MD.

People with cold and flu find it hard to soothe themselves especially with its symptoms combined with a headache, fever, sore throats, cough, and fatigue. The U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health discussed how to make elderberry tea bags recipe to fight off cold and flu. A daily dose of elderberry tea will require four tablespoons of extract mixed with warm water, which should be taken for three consecutive days to obtain maximum benefits.

Another major issue is sinus infection which is usually caused by bacteria. Studies have pointed out that drinking the tea combined with other decongestant and antibiotic medicines will clear up bacterial sinusitis more quickly than using medicine alone.

Elderberry Tea Recipe

One great recipe was thought in Wellness Mama, which could be taken immediately after preparation. About 2 tablespoons of dried elderberries will be used and boiled with 16 ounces of water for 15 minutes. Great health benefits can be obtained with added one-fourth teaspoon cinnamon powder and half teaspoon turmeric powder. Honey may be added to sweetened taste after the mixture was strained to remove solid elderberries. Simply refrigerate the solution if you prefer it cool.

How to Make Elderberry Tea & Syrup

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What Makes Saffron Tea Good for You?

Saffron tea was very loved by the ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians for its use in culinary and herbal foods as well as for folk medicinal use. Aside from its promising benefits, it also looks as pleasing as it sounds since it belongs to the lily family, where its flower has a delicate part that houses pollens.

It is extremely difficult to make saffron tea since the bright red stigmas are carefully picked off the plant leaving only the golden stamen on position.

Saffron tea made naturally from saffron threads may be taken iced or hot but its medical properties are best obtained at a higher temperature. Photo Credits

Saffron tea made naturally from saffron threads may be taken iced or hot but its medical properties are best obtained at a higher temperature. Photo Credits

Organic yellow saffron tea benefits have recently gained popularity with more clinical trials being conducted to show its health benefits, according to the author of “The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods” Michael Murray N.D. as reported in the Live Strong.

Important Health Benefits of Saffron Tea

Health benefits of saffron tea to depression is one of the most popular since it has been proven to have similar effects as the over-the-counter drugs. The anti-depressant effect of saffron, as discussed in the Health Benefits Times,  goes through the nerves providing some sort of calming effect on the person. Experts say that the best thing is that saffron is a natural herb and regular consumption will not do much harm. In addition, it even provides prevention of depression if taken on a regular basis giving people the ‘happy’ feeling that everyone needs.

Saffron is an aphrodisiac so saffron tea benefits to skin are more on the sexual side of the body making the drinker have increased libido than normal.

The SF Gate reported that a cupful of saffron tea a day could lessen the risk of blindness in the future as a direct interpretation of the article “Saffron: Golden Secret of Clearer Sight”. Scientific studies showed that saffron has special fatty acid content that protects human vision. Clinical trials showed that eye vision of patients with eye issues significantly progress as they regularly drink saffron daily.

Saffron Tea Recipe

People should know how to make saffron tea bags recipe since it is very easy. They first need to purchase saffron tea bags or use loose saffron threads to make a tea. Every bit of saffron is important since it is very expensive. Experts advised that homemade saffron is the best since the quality is much more controlled. Threads will be steeped in room-temperature for iced tea beverages while 180 degrees Fahrenheit is needed to fully activate its aromatic and healthy components. Only a little over one milligram of threads is needed for 8 ounces of water and steep for 10 minutes. It is best to stir the solution before drinking to dissolve all threads in hot water. The tea can last for three days inside the refrigerator.

How to Make Saffron Tea

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The Wonders of Organic Holy Basil Tea

Holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum), also called Tulsi, has been widely used in the ancient times dating to as far as 3000 years ago. The herb was termed “sacred” in the Rig Veda some time in 1500 BC making people celebrate it in the Purana, and highly appreciated and accounted for its Ayurvedic medicine – because it has organic holy basil tea health benefits.

Tulsi is unlike any regular basil that is added to marinade sauces and food ingredient. Holy basil is native to Southeast Asia, as mentioned by Dr. Axe. this herb has been used for its medical properties for centuries which have been proven to treat different kinds of ailments. Holy basil is believed to be the cure for cleansing the body.

Health Benefits of Tulsi Holy Basil Tea

A study about holy basil has been reported by the Health Line saying that it was confirmed to have therapeutic value and its “health promoting qualities is sure to bear rich fruit.” But this 2010 study fail to conduct the test on humans because all results mainly came from animal samples.

Tulsi is usually taken as a tea. It claims to provide treatment for a number illnesses.

Holy Basil Tea

Tulsi, or holy basil, has made its way to providing significant developments in the field of herbal medicine especially since it is easily taken as a tea which provides a number of amazing health benefits. (Photo Credit)

First, it heals wounds easily. This claim may seem to be supernatural but scientific studies showed that it has a chemical component that hastens wound healing.

Second, it fights off bacteria. Bacterial infections have been a growing problem worldwide. And holy basil has been found to have some sort of antibiotic properties that fight off these deadly bacteria.

Third, lowers risk of diabetes. People with diabetes need to control and manage their diet wisely. Experts suggest that they should know how to make holy basil tea recipe since it would be a good addition to help control their blood sugar levels. However, it is advisable to talk to your doctor first prior to using tulsi.

Fourth, the Medicine Hunter reported several studies have shown that holy basil can significantly decrease the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood so this herb is a really good treatment for the heart especially to those suffering from chronic stress.

Fifth, it lessens the chance of having an ulcer. Tulsi has anti-ulcer properties because it has been known to reduce stomach acid and increase the production of healthy stomach mucus. Find out more about holy basil tea benefits to ulcers.

And sixth, the journal Nutrition and Cancer published a study discussing the promising cancer-killing power of tulsi with its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Consequently, it protects the patient from having pain, stress, fever and protects important organs like the liver. People who take holy basil are found to be less likely to develop cancer cells throughout their lifetime.

Holy Basil Tea Recipe and Health Benefits


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Stop Diabetes and Cancer with Bitter Melon Tea Benefits

Bitter melon leaves may be used in making teas, extracts and tinctures that may be taken best as a hot beverage. (Photo Credit)

Bitter melon leaves may be used in making teas, extracts and tinctures that may be taken best as a hot beverage. (Photo Credit)

Benefits of Bitter Melon Tea To Your Body

Bitter melon, or originally bitter gourd, is a tropical plant with a long history of being used as an herbal medicine. Momordica charantia is native to Africa, Asia and South America which people usually eat fresh or made into fresh tea.

Bitter melon is also called cerasee, balsam pear, or Karela, as reported in Live Strong. The plant resembles a small, warty cucumber best known for its power to decrease sugar levels in the blood. But experts want to remind people that self-medication using bitter melon is not advised until a doctor advises the patient to.

There is no trash with bitter melon since its fruit, stem and leaves can be used to make teas, extracts, and tinctures. Herbal stores commercially sell bitter gourd tea bags, extracts and powder form for easier tea making since it is known for its antioxidant properties and cancer prevention.

Anti-cancer Properties

Some chemicals in bitter melon have anti-cancer properties as concluded in a study published in the journal Cancer Research in 2010. They found that it inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells in laboratory medium, but there is still no conducted clinical trials to support this claim.

Bitter Melon for Diabetes and Weight Loss

Since bitter melon is known for decreasing blood sugar level and increasing the degradation of glucose in the body, then it is a good remedy for diabetes. The plant has already been listed at the University of Maryland Medical Center for managing diabetes. Some scientists call bitter melon as the “vegetable insulin” but studies remain inconclusive since results vary from one person to another.

The Life Hack said that bitter melon promotes weight loss when taken with proper diet and exercise. The plant has very low-calorie levels which make it good in maintaining a healthy weight. But its lack of calories is balanced with its high nutrient components and these are the benefits of bitter melon tea to diabetes and weight loss aspirants.  

Anti-oxidant Properties

Bitter gourd promotes an overall healthier immune system that fights off infections and disease. There are several bitter melon tea recipe benefits that focus on increased immunity. Furthermore, it decreases the damages done by free radicals. A study published in Phytotherapy in 2005 found out that taking bitter melon tea in higher temperature increases the antioxidant activity occurring inside the body.


Although bitter melon promotes a number of healthy benefits, the SF Gate still reminded readers that there could be some potential side effects when taking the plant. Some people reported that they experience side effects when taking it alongside certain medications. And other studies showed that it promotes abortion on animal studies making it inadvisable for pregnant women.

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The Facts about Ginger Root Tea

Ginger has been widely used for thousands of years in the medical field even in ancient times since its effectivity cannot be denied. Experts suggest that the fastest way to indulge on these benefits is to sip on ginger root tea.

Ginger root tea benefits are at its maximum when the tea is made with fresh ginger in water. Some teas available commercially may be flavored so always look for the one with ginger as its main ingredient. But prior to doing self-medication with its promising benefits, it is still best to consult your doctor about it. Find out the health benefits of ginger tea for migraine relief.

Health Benefits of Drinking Ginger Root Tea

One of ginger’s most famous promises is to kill nausea because ginger root tea helps the stomach settle into place when it feels ill, as reported in Live Strong. There are several studies that showed ginger’s effect in relieving morning sickness and motion sickness, and as well as other nausea-inducing treatments like chemotherapy or surgery. However, these studies is not applicable to everyone especially if they are having stomach-churning incidents – so it is best to take ginger tea recipe for stomach issues.

Ginger root tea has been a promising herbal medicine in a variety of illnesses for thousands of years ago all over the world. (Photo Credits)

Ginger root tea has been a promising herbal medicine in a variety of illnesses for thousands of years ago all over the world. (Photo Credits)

Anti-inflammatory properties of ginger have been widely studied. One of which is published in “The Journal of Pain” in 2010 where ginger was used to relieve painful muscles and soreness created after exercise. They found that participants felt less pain intensity over the next three days as compared to those who were given placebo. Therefore, a conclusion in a study in The University of Georgia said that “daily ginger supplement reduced exercise-induced muscle pain by 25%”, as reported in the Medical News Today.

Other uses of ginger include the ff:

These promises have been proven by studies to work on a lot of people who take ginger on a regular basis and as prescribed by doctors. Some use it regularly as an ingredient in their dish.

How to Make Ginger Root Tea Bags Recipe

The healthiest ginger root tea recipe will be made from fresh ginger roots that will be stripped to pieces, and simmered to low/medium heat for 15 minutes. Drain the mixture to remove remaining roots. Honey or lemon juice can be added afterward for flavoring and natural sweetener. Learn how to make ginger root tea.

Homemage Ginger Tea

The post The Facts about Ginger Root Tea appeared first on Ginger Root Tea Blog.

Thyme Tea: The Herbal Drink with Diverse Use

Thymus vulgaris, or commonly known as Thyme is one of the ancient herbs famous for its ornamental, medicinal and culinary uses. The oldest use of Thyme was traced to the Egyptian period when they use the herb as an ingredient for embalming dead bodies. Greek people prefer to use thyme as an additive to their hot bath, said the Medical News Today.

Thyme has a variety of uses in terms of helping in treating different kinds of illness and protecting the body from infection (Photo Credits)

Thyme has a variety of uses in terms of helping in treating different kinds of illness and protecting the body from infection (Photo Credits)

A report by A Modern Herbal said that a 1931 study by Maud Grieve reported Romans using thyme in processing cheese and alcoholic drinks. While another study quoted Hippocrates for saying the thyme is one of the culinary herbs they grow and eat in the countryside, and even use it for treating respiratory illnesses back in the days. These reports make thyme tea health benefits really promising for the modern day. Learn how thyme tea bags can slow aging.

Thyme for the Kitchen

Soups and stews will taste even more fabulous with thyme’s essential oils mixed with it. Chefs will testify that thyme brings out the best flavor in meat and poultry meals. Aside from its mouth-watering goodness, eating thyme with your meals can provide mental, physical, and emotional relaxation leaving the whole system energized.

“He who drinks a cup of thyme tea instead of coffee in the morning will soon feel the beneficial effect: enlivened spirits, great comfort in the stomach, no coughing in the morning and an overall well-being,” stated Abbess Hildegard von Bingen in Natural News. Find out how to make thyme tea recipe for upset stomach.

Thyme for the Health: Health Benefits of Drinking Thyme Herbal Tea

Thyme is known for its pleasant taste and smell, and behind that is a substance called thymol which is a potential antioxidant. Thyme tea health benefits have been continuously growing since researchers keep finding new things about thyme. A lot of its flavonoid components like luteolin, naringenin and thymonin have been used in many treatments.

Cough and colds can be very frustrating since no medicine can easily make it go away. But the next time you catch, a cup of thyme tea would be the best beverage to drink. A study from the University of Maryland Medical Center reported in Live Strong says that thyme can aid in treating bronchitis and coughs. The German Commission E already approved the use of thyme for drug preparation. Some drinkers suggest lemon thyme tea for cough and colds since it tastes and works like wonder.

Furthermore, it relieves indigestion, helps kill bacteria that cause acne, and reduces the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure.

Aside from thyme tea, thyme essential oil can be added to your regular bath for soothing and relaxing feel while enjoying the warm water.

Video on How to Make Thyme Tea Using Fresh or Dried Thyme


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Reasons Why Valerian Root Tea is Good for You

The use of valerian root was traced back to as early as thousands of years ago with enough proof till the second century. However, its medicinal way of use have been constantly changing over time, treating one illness to another.

Valerian has been widely growing in Europe, North America, and Asia .It became a popular mild sedative in the ancient times for thousands of years since the Romans, Indians, Greeks and Chinese use it frequently.

Valerian root tea provides ease of insomnia, anxiety, headache, high blood pressure, and depression, which has been proven safe to be taken in appropriate amounts. (Photo Credits)

Valerian root tea provides ease of insomnia, anxiety, headache, high blood pressure, and depression, which has been proven safe to be taken in appropriate amounts. (Photo Credits)

Studies from the University of Maryland Medical Center, as reported by the Live Strong, proved that valerian root is generally safe when taken as directed and in prescribed amounts. But before adding valerian root to your diet, it is much better to consult with a qualified medical practitioner to know if valerian root tea will be good for your health.

Medicinal Use of Valerian Root

One of the earliest use of valerian root is to treat sleeping problems and anxiety. A lot of people had and are still suffering from insomnia – and valerian root has been widely proven effective to treat this illness because it contains a specific chemical that has a sedative effect. However, researchers are still debating as to how the mechanism for sleep aid works. Some experts from the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center say that a chemical compound called valepotriates is responsible for the sedative effect while some theorized that the breakdown of the compound forming byproducts that release the sleepiness effect.

Some people seeking for herbal medication for anxiety are recommended to take valerian root. Studies have shown that some chemicals in plant bind safely to the receptors in the brain resulting in relaxation.

Valerian root tea for sleep and anxiety may work for some people, but these are serious illnesses that require medical consultation first, advised by the MedLine. Read more info on valerian root tea for sleep.

Other Valerian Tea High Health Benefits

Aside from being popular as insomnia and anxiety remedy, it also helps treat indigestion, irritability, hysteria, tension, panic attacks, depression, muscle cramps and reduces high blood pressure. Another popular use is its diuretic property so people who are trying to shred off some calories include it in their diet.

Another medical use is for menstrual symptoms. Women with menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea and pain are advised to drink a cup or two during their cycle. Because of this, valerian root tea and pregnancy is not a good match since it may induce abortion even though that still needs to be supported by scientific research, as mentioned by the Herbal Teas Online. See more valerian root tea benefits.

Valerian Root Tea Recipe

A simple recipe can be made with a teaspoon full of dried or fresh valerian roots boiled with 170 millimeters of water for 10 minutes. The mixture will be strained to remove roots and addition of milk, lemon, honey or other sweeteners will give a different flavor to the tasty drink. Learn more on how to make a healthy valerian root tea recipe.

The post Reasons Why Valerian Root Tea is Good for You appeared first on Valerian Root Tea.

What Can Mugwort Tea Do to Your Body?

(Photo Credits)

Mugwort tea has been widely used in treating a number of illnesses because it contains a lot of chemical components such as essential oils, flavonoids, sesquiterpene, triterpenes, lactone and coumarin derivatives. (Photo Credits)

This traditional Asian medicine has been widely used for more than 3,000 years ago especially in China. It became popular as an ingredient in a process called moxibustion, which is used to treat menstrual cramps and put a fetus in proper position inside the womb.

Ancient medication includes leaves of wormwood or mugwort, are shaped into cones or sticks about the same size and shape as a cigar, which is then burned and pointed into an acupuncture point, and these are just some of the ways on how to make mugwort tea.

It has been used to strengthen and warm a person’s blood and inner energy, and they use it to treat some types of cancers and inflammations. Today, there is still few studies that cover the real health benefits of mugwort tea on patients. They also fail to support the claims that are still being used in modern days.

Mugwort Tea Health Benefits

Women who are experiencing irregularity in their menstrual cycle as advised to drink mugwort tea to stimulate their body. But some women say that it caused them to have delayed menstruation. Ancient practices use the herb to induce abortion making it a harmful drink for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Herbal practices in Europe and America include mugwort for treating intestinal and stomach issues like gas, diarrhea, and colic. They also give it to patients suffering from nosebleeds, chills, fever, headaches, insomnia and nerve problems, as reported in the Web MD. Some herbalists claim that it possesses an antifungal and antibacterial properties. But these claims remain unproven to-date and not approved by health agencies.

Studies on Mugwort

Most studies on mugwort fail to prove its medical promises, and usually focus on its adverse side effects on the person taking it. It was reported by the Health Line that the American Cancer Society have shown several studies that say mugwort causes allergic reactions resulting in uncontrollable sneezing and other sinus-related symptoms. Some people reported having suffered skin rashes, or contact dermatitis.

Ways on Taking Mugwort

The Herbal Supplement Resource said that there is still no proven safe or effective dosage of mugwort to be taken for different kind of illnesses. The best way to use it is through the traditional mugwort tea. The common healthy mugwort tea recipe recommends up to two cups for every six days blended with fresh leaves that are boiled for 5 to 10 minutes.

But a readily available capsule sold as a supplement is advised by the manufacturer to be taken twice daily, or it is still best to consult a physician prior to taking the supplement. Find out where to buy mugwort tea.

Mugwort Tea: What Bitter Plants Can Do for your Health

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Caption: Mugwort tea has been widely used in treating a number of illnesses because it contains a lot of chemical components such as essential oils, flavonoids, sesquiterpene, triterpenes, lactone and coumarin derivatives.

The post What Can Mugwort Tea Do to Your Body? appeared first on Mugwort Tea Blog.

Why is Papaya Tea So Good For You

Oral consumption of the papaya leaves is proven to have healing properties, as they are very rich in some real unique enzymes, used for breaking down proteins and other food substances. (Photo Credits)

Oral consumption of the papaya leaves is proven to have healing properties, as they are very rich in some real unique enzymes, used for breaking down proteins and other food substances. (Photo Credits)

Many people know about papaya, they consume its fruit and dispose all the other parts including the leaves not knowing that the leaves have a rich medicinal property. Oral consumption of the papaya leaves and using them in tea has several health advantages. They have been proven to have healing properties, as they are very rich in some real unique enzymes, used for breaking down proteins and other food substances.

Making Papaya Tea

Immerse a tea bag in hot water for few minutes. Additional taste can be added by added either honey, sugar, drops of lemon juice or milk. Take the tea when still hot or warm. For external use allow it to cool before applying it on the affected using a piece of clean cloth. Find out how to make a perfect cup of papaya leaf tea.

Increase Appetite

Lack of appetite is common among people in our world today. This problem has been known to starve some people and therefore leading to death. Papaya leaf tea has been proven to increase appetite when consumed bringing vitality and vigor back to a person’s body.


A cataract is a disorder in the human eye shown by a white spot in the eye. Consumption of the papaya leaf tea has been proven to prevent cases of cataracts.

Aid in the digestion

Papaya makes use of the enzyme in it for several purposes. The enzyme papain helps in the digestion of food and other toxic substances in the body by breaking them down. By drinking papaya tea, ailments and discomforts in the stomach will be reduced by the papain enzyme.

Diuretic Characteristics

Papaya tea has been used not because of its medicinal properties but also because it is diuretic, which helps it to relieve other intestinal problems. It will aid bladder-flushing toxins out of the body system through urine. Find out how papaya leaf tea helps in gout treatment.

Skin Health and Acne

Regular consumption of papaya tea will help one in improving the health of their skin. Skin ailments such as acne, rashes, and bug bites can be treatment by using cold papaya tea, which will be applied orally. The anti-inflammatory characteristic of papaya tea reduces body swellings and pain.

Papaya Leaf and Cancer

Papaya tea has been known to introduce immune cells in the human body after being taken for a long time. These immune cells fights and kill cancer cells hence can be used in reducing cases of cancer including pancreatic, lung, breast, and even cervical cancer. Learn more about organic papaya leaf tea and cancer.

Natural Ulcer Remedy

Papaya tea has been proven by researchers in West India to prevent gastric ulcers, and in releasing the oxidation stress in the human blood due to their strong system antioxidant effect. More info on papaya leaf tea health benefits.

Health Benefits Of Papaya Tea

The post Why is Papaya Tea So Good For You appeared first on Papaya Tea Blog.

Senna Leaf Tea – The Best Remedy for Constipation and Weight Loss 

Senna is a herb whose leaves are commonly used as a laxative. Senna Leaf Tea, which is extracted from Senna leaves, is used to treat constipation and its painful effects, promote bowel movement and weight loss. This tea is available for purchase online through a variety of health food suppliers. It can also be prepared at home.

How to Make Senna Leaf Tea

Senna Leaf Tea is easier to prepare. A common preparation procedure involves boiling 100 grams of the Senna tea leaves and 5 grams of sliced fresh ginger in distilled water. Cover the boiling mixture for 10 minutes. Mix the boiling content and continue boiling for additional 5 minutes. Always prepare amount needed to drink, as the tea becomes stronger and bitter if it is left to stand and can lead to stomach discomfort or abdominal cramping.

(Photo Credits)

Senna leaf tea is brewed using pods of the plant, the tea is believed to contain laxative properties. (Photo Credits)

Health Benefits of Senna leaf tea

  • Relieve constipation and its painful effects
  • Bowel stimulation
  • Promoting weight loss

Effects on Weight loss

When properly administered, Senna leaf tea can greatly promote weight loss. The tea’s purging action can help cleanse large intestines and the colon thus reducing the amount of waste dumped in the body. Senna leaf tea also has diuretic properties which promote the elimination of excess fluids and water from the body thus promoting rapid weight loss.

Effects on Constipation

Senna leaves contain considerable amounts of glycosides. When Senna leaf tea is administered properly, glycosides are released into the intestines where they induce intestinal contractions and promote the smoothening of the intestinal wall.

These activities lead to bowel stimulation thus pushing of fecal wastes through more quickly. Besides stimulating the muscles of the colon, Glycosides also help the colon to absorb water that softens the stool. Users will expect a bowel movement and relieve of constipation within six to 10 hours of use. More info on the benefits of senna tea for constipation.

Laxative Properties

Senna leaves have been used for many years as a laxative. The herb contains several chemicals called Sennosides. These chemicals work to irritate the lining of the bowel, causing a laxative effect. Since Senna leaf tea is brewed using pods of the plant, the tea is believed to contain laxative properties. Read more about senna laxative tea.


Before you consider using Senna leaf tea as a remedy for constipation, make sure you are drinking enough water and consuming enough fiber every day. Senna may cause some side effects to some classes of individuals. If you are nursing or pregnant, consult with your healthcare professional before using the tea. Find out what are the side effects of senna tea.

Video on Senna Herb Tea Health Benefits & Side Effects

The post Senna Leaf Tea – The Best Remedy for Constipation and Weight Loss  appeared first on Senna Leaf Tea.

The Herbal Magic of Red Clover Tea

Organic Red Clover Tea Health Benefits

Red clover tea is an infusion made from red clover blossoms. The tea is a rich source of isoflavanones as well as other soluble chemicals, which have estrogen-like behaviour. Red clover tea also contains various essential minerals and vitamins including vitamin C, thiamine, potassium, niacin, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. Due to its richness mineral and vitamin content, red clover tea confers various health benefits to its drinkers. The health benefits of drinking red clover tea are as follows.

Freshly picked blossoms are put into a teapot and water that has not reached the boiling point is added to the pot and left to steep for about ten minutes before it is ready to drink. (Photo Credits

Freshly picked blossoms are put into a teapot and water that has not reached the boiling point is added to the pot and left to steep for about ten minutes before it is ready to drink. (Photo Credits)

Reduction of Hot Flashes and Osteoporosis

Research on extracts of red clover isoflavanones has revealed that the tea can reduce hot flashes in menopausal women. The estrogen-like action of red clover tea isoflavanones can also help in the prevention of the breakdown of bone structures and even improve the density of the bones in peri- and pre-menopausal women. The prevention of bone breakdown and improvement of bone density is important in preventing the osteoporosis whose likelihood of occurring increases in women under menopause. More info on benefits of red clover tea to menopausal women.

Prevention of Heart Diseases

Red clover tea also reduces the chances of getting cardiovascular diseases by lowering the levels of bad cholesterol, which is responsible for cardiovascular diseases. The tea also promotes increased bile acid secretion, which helps in reducing the cholesterol that circulates in the blood because it is eliminated by bile secretion. Also, red clover tea contains the compound coumarin, which is a thinner that helps thin the blood for better flow.

Relaxation and Sleep

Red clover tea is also an effective nervine and sedative, which can help break cycles of lack of sleep and stress. Red clover helps in relaxing muscles, which promotes a feeling of relaxation that reduces tension and stress. The tea also provides magnesium and calcium minerals that are necessary for the better health of the nervous system. The tea acts as a nerve tonic that helps in calming the activities within the nervous system and thus lowering anxiety, nervousness and tension that may negatively affect sleep patterns. The combined nervine and sedative effects promote relaxation that facilitates better sleep. Read more on the red clover tea effects to sleep.

Fertility Improvement

Red clover tea purifies blood by eliminating toxins, and it also improves blood circulation, which makes it a perfect preparation for pregnancy. Better circulation of blood to the sex organs is necessary for positive reproductive function. Also, the tea improves liver function, which is essential in improving hormonal balance, which is important in facilitating conception. Find out more about red clover tea and fertility.

How to Prepare Red Clover Tea

To enjoy the health benefits of red clover, one can use dried blossoms or fresh blossoms picked from the plant. Freshly picked blossoms are put into a teapot and water that has not reached the boiling point is added to the pot and left to steep for about ten minutes before it is ready to drink. Dried blossoms could also be used, and these are made by picking fresh blossoms, which are later dried between pieces of paper towels in a dry and warm environment. Making red clover tea from dried red clover blossoms requires a tea leaf strainer that is lowered into the boiling water with the blossoms for bout ten minutes before being strained. To improve the flavor of homemade red clover tree one could also add dried mint and honey.

Check this Red Clover Tea Recipe

The post The Herbal Magic of Red Clover Tea appeared first on Bilberry Tea.

An In-Depth Overview Of Pau d’arco Tea

Health Benefits of Organic Pau D Arco Herbal Tea

BuddhaTeas Pau D' Arco Tea

Pau d’arco tea is also known for its powerful analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-parasitic and anti-tumor effects. (Photo Credits)

Pau d’arco tea is prepared from the dried bark of the Pink trumpet tree, which originates in South America. South American have used this herbal tree to treatment a large variety of conditions, such as arthritis, boils, dysentery, fever, prostatitis, ulcers, and a wide range of cancers. The medicinal use of pau d’arco tea can be traced back to the 1870s.

According scientists, pau d’arco tea contains two particularly noteworthy naphthoquinones, namely beta-lapachone and lapachol. Lab tests have revealed that these active chemicals neutralized certain bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. Significant amounts of quercetin, which is an antioxidant, are also present in pau d’arco tea. Apparently, drinking pau d’arco may also prove to be effective for the treatment of diseases like osteoarthritis, because of its anti-inflammatory qualities.

Pau d’arco tea has been and apparently can be used for a variety of conditions. Along with being anti-inflammatory, Pau d’arco tea is capable of inhibiting Candida albicans, the fungus that leads to oral and/or vaginal yeast infection. You can also drink it from prevention of cold and flu during the winter season. It is also capable of effectively purifying blood and stimulating the production of red blood cells. Find out more how pau d arco tea helps in candida treatment.

Pau d’arco tea is also known for its powerful analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-parasitic and anti-tumor effects. So, you can also drink it to combat a variety of other conditions, from E. coli to fibromyalgia to herpes to influenza, and more. Learn more about pau d arco tea health benefits and how it helps in the management of fibromyalgia.

The result of laboratory studies have suggested that the naphthoquinones from Pau d’arco tea tend to have beneficial effects against cancer, such as reducing cancer cells. You can also drink Pau d’arco tea if you are suffering from a certain liver disease. The naphthoquinones will result in the reduction of whatever liver condition you are suffering from and the associated pain, without causing any liver damage. If you are suffering from either Type-1 or Type-2 diabetes, drinking Pau d’arco tea will also offer relief from associated symptoms, especially high blood pressure. This is a result of tecomine, which is another active chemical/compound present in it. Other mild effects of diabetes, especially inflammation and pains, will also be countered. More info on how to fight diabetes with organic pau d arco tea.

How To Prepare Pau d’arco Tea?


10 grams of Pau d’arco
3.5 grams of Cat’s Claw
20 grams of Goji Berries
3 grams of Chanca Piedra
1 raw vanilla bean

2 liters of Pau d’arco tea can be prepared with these ingredients and you can even drink it when chilled. Pau d’arco can also prove to be an excellent herbal base for a variety of other teas.


1. Add 3 tablespoons of Pau d’arco tree bark to a glass or stainless steel pot and then pour in 1 quart or liter of water. After placing the lid on the pot, bring the mixture to a full boil.

2. Let the lid remain on the pot but lower the heat so the tea may boil for another 25 minutes.

3. Allow the prepared tea to cool after which you may pour it into sterilized bottles using a funnel and a tea strainer.

4. It is up to you whether or not you would like to refrigerate the tea. This tea will not get spoilt because of its strong anti-bacterial qualities.

It is recommended that you drink 2 to 3, eight ounce cups of Pau d’arco tea every day, but if you are drinking it more a more serious condition like cancer, you should drink at least 4 cups. Above all, make sure you are using the correct (i.e. the Tabebuia avellanedae species) and a high quality, fine grind of a Pau d’arco tree’s inner bark.

Pau d’arco Herb Tea Health Benefits & Side Effects

The post An In-Depth Overview Of Pau d’arco Tea appeared first on Bilberry Tea.

Miracle Tea: The Effect of Linden Tea on Anxiety, High Blood Pressure, and How To Prepare

What is Linden Leaves Tea Good For?

There are many benefits found from using the aromatic linden tea. These include beneficial results in the areas of high blood pressure, reducing anxiety, and much more. Here you will find out some detailed benefits of linden tea and a few words on how to prepare it. Take a look.

Reducing Anxiety with Linden Flower Tea

Linden tea is known for its calming and soothing affect. One of the most historical uses is to ease the nerves and calm people who suffer from anxiety. Anxiety can actually raise your blood pressure over time. So using the properties of this tea that calm the body can ease tension which in some cases can even lower the blood pressure.

The key to getting the most out of any tea including linden tea is to take time to properly prepare it. (Photo Credits)
The key to getting the most out of any tea including linden tea is to take time to properly prepare it. (Photo Credits)

Along these lines this tea is said to have sedative qualities. Sipping it has been noted in people to ease body tension and heighten relaxation. The benefits of this quality has been recorded to help people gently ease the throb of headaches and help people fall asleep. Learn more about linden flower tea benefits to anxiety relief.

Digestive Aid

Another historical use of linden tea is for aid in digestion. In as little as a one cup serving this tea has been noted for easing several symptoms associated with stomach pain. Some of these include common pains, diarrhea, gas, cramps, and feelings of bloating. The way to gain these benefits is to prepare one cup and drink it warm after a meal that didn’t agree with you.

Linden tea has also been traditionally used to ease the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Again targeting the sore and aching stomach feelings. Other additional noted benefits are improving the overall health of the gallbladder and liver.

Preparing Tea

The key to getting the most out of any tea including linden tea is to take time to properly prepare it. The first thing to do is pick a good cup or mug which will hold the finish temperature you wish to drink. Next you will want to boil the water. Some tea drinkers claim that using boiling water over tea bags is the only way and to never brew tea in the microwave. Others see no difference in benefit. The difference is actually found in the flavor. Tea brewed with the bag itself not being heated except by the water has more of a delicate taste because it does not overheat the oils found in the tea. Find out linden tea uses to lowering blood pressure levels.

What releases the oils from the tea is properly heated water. Using a safe method heat the water to a point of rolling boil then pour over the bag. Allow the tea to steep long enough to satisfy your personal flavor taste. For the benefits of the tea a minimum of three minutes and up to five minutes is the average times recommended. Another thing to consider is how strong you want the effects of the tea. The longer it steeps the stronger the the effect of the tea. Find out the uses of linden tea for those suffering from colds.

Video on Linden Flower Foraging: Natural Calm Sedative Tea

The post Miracle Tea: The Effect of Linden Tea on Anxiety, High Blood Pressure, and How To Prepare appeared first on Linden Tea Blog.

The Hidden Truth and Health Benefits of Passion Tea

There are vast health benefits in herbs. Our ancestors majorly relied on plants for food. This may explain why they lived long and productive lives. Most people prefer to consume their herbs in the form of tea. This way, the nutritional value is maintained.

Passion flower is an herb. This climbing vine can be distinguished by its booming large white, lavender, or yellow flowers. It is commonly consumed in the form of tea and has vast health benefits associated with it. A passion flower vine can grow up to 25 feet tall. It is also known to produce small fruits, deep yellow in color and about the size of a lemon. Some people eat these fruits as well although most prefer the flower. Learn about passion flower tea health benefits.

Healthy Organic Passion Tea Recipe

8 Ounces of boiling water
1 teaspoonful of crushed passionflower
Granulated sugar or honey (optional)

Put the ground passion flower in a mesh fabric or tea bag and dip them into the hot water. Let them sit for about five minutes. Pour it into a cup, add the honey for taste and enjoy. Read more on how to make a healthy passion tea recipe.

Health Benefits of Passion Tea

The herbaceous leaves of the passion vine were traditionally ground and used in making tea. The tea was then used as a tranquilizer, sedative, antispasmodic and tonic for centuries. On the other hand, the crushed flower was used to heal wounds.

Modernly, the passion flower has been scientifically proven to contain bioactive compounds. These are known to have calming effects. It has been proven to provide relief from anxiety and panic attacks. In Europe, this herb is a common ingredient for over the counter medicine for insomnia. This health benefit also makes it effective in reducing nervousness.

A compound in passion flower, known as edulilic acid is able to lower blood pressure. A dose of 50mg per kilogram of body weight is known to significantly reduce blood pressure levels. (Photo Credits

A compound in passion flower, known as edulilic acid is able to lower blood pressure. A dose of 50mg per kilogram of body weight is known to significantly reduce blood pressure levels. (Photo Credits)

Passion flower tea is effective if used as an anti-depressant as well as menopause relief. Studies show that that it can be used to relieve symptoms of menopause such as depression, insomnia, anger, and headache. In studies, patients consumed passion flower tea 6 days a week and the effects were evident 3 weeks later. It is a healthy alternative for hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women.

A compound in passion flower, known as edulilic acid is able to lower blood pressure. A dose of 50mg per kilogram of body weight is known to significantly reduce blood pressure levels. It has also been proven that passion flower extract also increases levels of antioxidant enzymes. It also lowers levels of oxidized lipids. More info on effects of passion flower tea bags to blood pressure.

Caution For Passion Tea Consumers

Due to its high calming effects and ability to soothe both the body and mind, it is highly advisable that one doesn’t drive or operate heavy machinery after drinking passion tea.

Pregnant mothers are also advised against drinking passion flower tea. It is highly recommended that one consumes this tea under the recommendation of a medical practitioner. Find out where to buy organic passion fruit flower tea for stress relief.

Video on The Benefits of Passion Flower

The post The Hidden Truth and Health Benefits of Passion Tea appeared first on Passion Tea.

Say Goodbye to Woeful Pregnancy Blues by Drinking Tasty and Healthy Raspberry Tea

Myriad of Health Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea

During pregnancy, feelings of mood swings and morning sickness are caused by unstable blood sugar levels or lack of vitamin B6, which can be both treated by regular ingestion of Raspberry Tea. (Photo Credits)

During pregnancy, feelings of mood swings and morning sickness are caused by unstable blood sugar levels or lack of vitamin B6, which can be both treated by regular ingestion of Raspberry Tea. (Photo Credits)

For many centuries, midwives and medicine practitioners have touted the effectiveness of herbal remedies during pregnancy. One of the most widely used and a common herbal remedy is Raspberry Tea that is often utilized during both gestation period and delivery. Raspberry leaves also have the property of curing infertility that affects, at least, one in six women.

Raspberry leaf tea has a myriad of health benefits that are to be discussed below. Read on to find more.

Use During Pregnancy and Labor

Raspberry leaf tea contains many essential nutrients like vitamins B, iron, calcium, and minerals like potassium and phosphorus. It also contains alkaloid fragrin that helps in strengthening the uterine wall, relaxes smooth muscle, and makes childbirth easier by aiding contraction of the uterus. During pregnancy, feelings of mood swings and morning sickness are caused by unstable blood sugar levels or lack of vitamin B6, which can be both treated by regular ingestion of Raspberry Tea. Find out how raspberry leaf tea helps induce labor during pregnacy.

Role in Curing Infertility

Natural options for treating infertility are not only cheap and safe but have been proven to be more effective than inorganic methods. Many people have found the leaf of raspberry to be effective in treating infertility as it works as an herbal tonic by revitalizing the uterus’ ability to conceive.

Treating Low Milk Production

Sometimes, mothers cannot offer the required amount of nutritious breast milk due to inadequate lactation. Some of the common underlying reasons like lack of proper vitamins and minerals can be treated by the use of Raspberry Tea. This is another form of herbal remedy that helps women to give their newborns the proper nutrition they need. More info on red raspberry leaf tea and its benefits to breastfeeding women.

Maintaining Diabetes Levels

Leaves of raspberry are also useful for controlling Type 2 diabetes along with cardiovascular system disorder and other gastrointestinal tract disorders. Raspberry is high in vitamin B that helps in converting food into glucose that prevents elevated levels of cholesterol and fat content in the blood. Read on for more of raspberry tea and effects to blood sugar levels.

How to Prepare Raspberry Tea

Making this tea is easy as counting 123. Just follow the steps mentioned below and you will have a healthy and tasty drink in a matter of minutes.

  • Take 1 cup of boiling water
  • Add 1 teaspoon of raspberry tea leaf to the boiling water
  • Keep it steeping for about 10 minutes
  • Strain correctly and you’re ready to drink!

Other Benefits

The health benefits of raspberry tea leaves are not limited to women because it can also help men to increase their fertility. It tastes fantastic when blended with the red clover and drinking 2 cups a day should yield the best results for your health.

Making Raspberry Tea Lemonade

The post Say Goodbye to Woeful Pregnancy Blues by Drinking Tasty and Healthy Raspberry Tea appeared first on Raspberry Tea.

Valerian Tea The Organic Sleep Aid

About Valerian

Valerian Tea
Valerian has the quality of relaxing the central nervous system, making Valerian tea a reliable sleep aid and mild tranquilizer for those who manifest difficulties with falling asleep. (Photo Credits)

Valerian is a flowering herb, originating from Europe and parts of Asia. The Valerian root (Valeriana officinalis) is used, in its dry state, as a herbal remedy, because of its overall calming effect. The Valerian root crude extract is also used for encapsulated dietary supplements, either for its sedative properties or due to its ability to act as a mild antianxiety agent.

Treating Sleep Disorders with Valerian Tea

Valerian tea is most commonly used in the herbal treatment of sleep disorders, predominantly insomnia. By itself or combined with other somnolence inducing herbs, some studies have shown that if consumed within 30 minutes to 2 hours before going to bed, Valerian tea does have a positive effect on sleeping disorders, its isovaleric acid and valepotriates soothing properties contributing to the creation of drowsiness. The lethargic effects of Valerian also benefit those who are withdrawing from pharmaceutical prescription sleeping pills. Read more of valerian tea health benefits to sleep.

Valerian and its Other Uses

The range of Valerian root extract use exceeds the sleeping disorders realm, its tranquility inducing effects making it a valuable herbal aid for those who struggle with anxiety, migraines, headaches, asthma, even for those who suffer from depression or other medical conditions, such as CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) or ADHD (attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder). Learn how valerian root tea relieves anxiety.

Benefits and Side Effects of Valerian Root Tea

Valerian has the quality of relaxing the central nervous system, making Valerian tea a reliable sleep aid and mild tranquilizer for those who manifest difficulties with falling asleep. Although discovered and being used for hundreds of years now, the Valerian root extract remains to this day a common alternative remedy to modern medicine, many people swearing by its calm inducing properties. Used either holistically or targeted towards a specific symptom, short-term use of Valerian tea doesn’t show any side effect. More info on valerian tea side effects.

Nonetheless, out of precaution, Valerian should not be used in case of pregnancy or breast-feeding. Also, Valerian should not be consumed at least two weeks before a surgery or in combination with other sedative medications.

How To Make Valerian Tea

– Pour water into a teapot (8 oz);
– Fill the infusion device with Valerian root;
– Bring the water to a boiling point;
– Pour the water in a kettle over the Valerian root, cover it and let it steep for approximately 15 minutes;
– Pour into a glass and enjoy the benefits.

Herbal sleep aids have been popular for hundreds of decades and the Valerian root sits at the top of the list when talking about natural, organic, healthy sleep aids. As long as not abused, Valerian tea has a great reputation as a natural relaxing agent and should help with finding a natural balance within ourselves, as we glide through the stressing patterns life leads us on. Find out where to buy valerian tea.

Video on How to Make Sleepy Time Valerian Root Tea

The post Valerian Tea – The Organic Sleep Aid appeared first on Valerian Tea Blog.

What is Sage Herbal Tea Good For?

Fresh Sage Tea Recipe

Sage tea, also known as herbal tea is one of the finest teas that is also very easy to make. In brief, to make this tea, just pour approximately one cup of boiling water over one tablespoon of sage leaves and then steep to the desired strength. However, if you wish to learn how to make a more refined sage tea, here are the ingredients.


  1. A half oz of fresh sage leaves.
  2. ¼ oz of thinly peeled lemon rind.
  3. Juice from one lemon.
  4. 4 cups of water.
  5. 1 ounce of sugar.


  1. Boil the water.
  2. Ensure that the water simmers before adding the other ingredients.
  3. Allow it to steep for 30 minutes while stirring occasionally.
  4. Strain out the leaves and serve when hot.

Health Benefits of Sage Leaf Tea

(Photo Credits)

Sage herbal tea can be used effectively to cure sore throats, coughs and relieve hot flashes. (Photo Credits)

Typically sage tea has many medicinal properties. For instance, it’s a stimulant, an expectorant and a diuretic. More so, it not only serves as an anti-inflammatory but it also has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Due to these, it has many health benefits. Sage tea relieves unwanted effects of sore throat and asthma.

Effects on diabetes- According to researchers, sage tea is very helpful in treating those who are suffering from diabetes. It is actually useful in preventing diabetes. Read more on the effects of organic sage tea bags to diabetes.

Antioxidant effects- As an antioxidant, it helps in cleaning up the free radicals and other environmental toxins such as pesticides and smoke. This helps in preventing the radicals from attacking the cell tissues. This is ideal in curbing the early signs of aging and prevents conditions such as heart disease and cancer.

Effects of Sage Tea on Sweating, Breastfeeding, Hot flashes, and Sore Throat

  • Effects on sweating- This special tea may directly reduce sweating making it very important especially for women who suffer from hot flashes. In fact, when it’s combined with alfalfa, it can be more effective. Get more info on the benefits of drinking sage leaves tea to excessive sweating problems.
  • Effects on breastfeeding- Many lactating mothers have also noticed a reduction in breast milk after drinking sage tea. This means that you should avoid using large amounts of sage herbs while breastfeeding because it is likely to decrease breast milk supply.
  • Effects on the sore throat- Sage herbal tea have been noted to have healing effects on the sore throat. This means it can be used effectively to cure sore throats and coughs.
  • Effects on hot flashes- Sage tea is also effective in treating the women who suffer from hot flashes. Many menopausal women who suffer from hot flashes can be treated with a daily tablet of containing sage for eight weeks. This means drinking pure sage leaf tea can also very effective in treating this.

Here is a Video on How to Make a Healthy Pineapple Sage Tea

The post What is Sage Herbal Tea Good For? appeared first on Sage Tea Blog.

Reasons To Have A Cup Of Licorice Tea Right Now

Licorice tea has been found to be among many of the herbal tea drinks used for various medications. However, most people haven’t realized their value due to lack of knowledge of their medicinal value.

The Greatest Health Benefits of Licorice Tea

It has been found that licorice tea can be used for several medicinal purposes. It is historically accustomed to treat a variety of various conditions, from indigestion to respiratory disorder. True, root teas contain a bioactive compound known as glycyrrhizin which will have each sensible and dangerous effects on human health. If your doctor advises you to drink licorice tea, raise her if you must opt for a kind with or while not glycyrrhizin. Root product like licorice tea should not be used for a protracted amount of your time as they will have aspect effects and act with prescription medications. Licorice teas ought to ne’er lean to young youngsters, infants or toddlers. Find more about egyptian licorice tea benefits.

(Photo Credits)
Licorice products tea has been known to fight the formation of clots in blood vessels (Photo Credits)

Stomach Problems

Stomach problems and heartburns reduced in many people by using licorice root tea. Stomach ulcers have been also effectively treated using this root tea. It also been known to protect the stomach lining, this is not recommended for those taking drugs that may damage the mucous membrane in the stomach. Read more on what is black licorice tea good for.

Flu and Cold Relief

Many anecdotal stories have been told about licorice tea being able to relieve people suffering from coughs, cold and flu. This is usually done before the cough and cold develops, done when their symptoms show up. It can also be used to treat sore throats among children with over the weight of 50 pounds who are required to take half a cup on a daily basis.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Licorice tea has anti-inflammatory characteristics that will help in relieving pain if the arthritis and other inflammable ailments on the body.

Licorice products tea has been known to fight the formation of clots in blood vessels; it also will help the human body in fighting causes of heart attack.

Low blood pressure has also been treated using licorice products tea. It is advised to be used frequently to bring the blood pressure back to normal. Learn how to make a cup of licorice mint tea recipe for various health problems.

Neutralizing Toxins

Licorice tea will help in the liver by neutralizing toxins; it can therefore be used in treating liver disorders for example hepatitis. More info on effects of licorice herbal to weight loss and detoxification.

Side Effects

Despite the advantages realized in using licorice tea, there are also known side effects associated with it.

Pregnant women are advised not use the licorice products tea as they will increase their chances of miscarriage. This products are also known to be dangerous to small children. Side effects on various body systems such as the cardiovascular system have been proven risky. The tea can also raise blood pressure, lead to an increase in the water retention in the body and also can lead to increased risk of heart failure. Various hormones will also react differently to the induction of the licorice’s products tea, such include hormone-sensitive cancers such as breast and prostate cancer, erectile failure in men can also result from its effects. The tea can also interact with various drugs taken causing different reactions in the human body.

Video on How to Make Licorice Tea

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What To Know About Health Benefits of Spearmint Tea

(Photo Credits)

Spearmint tea helps in controlling the hormones which is testosterone, this is the hormone that is responsible for hirsutism and acne (Photo Credits)

Do you have any idea about the health benefits and how to make spearmint tea? Well, if not here is the right place for you, spearmint is a herbaceous plant that has got a square-shaped stem, pink/white and broad leaves, the leaves is where the value of spearmint lies in the making of the spearmint tea simply because it contains high concentration of the active ingredients and also the flavor.

Here is a step by step guide on how to make spearmint tea,

  • Pour water into a sauce pan
  • On a side bowl, rinse the spearmint leaves as you add to the sauce pan
  • Cook on low heat as you wait for the water to simmer
  • After around ten minutes, remove the saucepan from the heat
  • Pour the contents into a jug and sieve the spearmint leaves
  • Leave it to cool slightly then serve

Health Benefits of Organic Spearmint Tea

There are a number of health benefits of spearmint tea and they are as follows;

  • Respiratory health – Spearmint tea plays a very important role in as far as respiratory health is concerned simply because of its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties; it is good for tightness in the chest and sore throats. More so, its strong aroma can be used to clear up sinuses.
  • Stress relief – Menthol is one of the active ingredients in spearmint, it has got a soothing effect to the body and it is known to produce a relaxed and a calm state to the body, basically, if you are suffering from chronic stress, spearmint tea can help you to eliminate the effect of the stress hormones and ease your mind in a short while.
  • Helps in prevention of chronic diseases – Spearmint has got some chemical compounds that will help in the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer that are mainly caused by the free radicals that attacks the healthy cells, the chemical compounds include; thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin A, and Vitamin C. the antioxidants in the spearmint tea will neutralize the free radicals and eliminate them, thus preventing you from such diseases. Learn about spearmint tea and weight loss benefits.

Effects of Spearmint tea to PCOS, Acne and Hirsutism

Spearmint tea helps in controlling the hormones which is testosterone, this is the hormone that is responsible for hirsutism and acne, in this case, it is reduced by about 30%, more so, it helps in increasing the Follicle stimulating hormone by about 15% this is the hormone that is responsible for the maturation of the ovarian follicles. Read more on spearmint tea and effects to acne.

Video on Spearmint Tea to Reduce Hirsutism and PCOS

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Preparation, Facts, Effects and Health Benefits of Damiana Tea

History is evident of the use of organic Damiana tea as it has numerous health benefits. In the ancient times, it was used as one of the drugs. This tea is endemic to places like Mexico, Caribbean, Central and South America. In the recent times, organic damiana tea is being used for improving sexual health among other things. Here’s article describing about the health benefits of organic damiana tea.

Benefits of Organic Damiana Tea

Organic damiana tea enhances libido and fertility in both men and women. Increasing libido is determined by the level of arousal. The tea helps building up the stamina that both men and women need to be aroused sexually. Increase of libido and arousal are directly linked to flow of blood in your body. Some of the researches prove the fact that the herb helps in bringing oxygen to the genitals of both the sexes. With increasing libido, the herb is also responsible for increasing potency in both men and women.

Damiana Tea

History is evident of the use of organic Damiana tea as it has numerous health benefits. (Photo Credits)

Stress Suppressant

Most of the times, people suffer from depression because of the sexual reasons. Damiana tea will not only improve your sexual health but also it will help you get rid of the nervousness and stress that you nurture. This is why the tea is known as a very good mood enhancer.

Helps in Digestion

Most of the people these days have constipation which is related to digestion problems. This tea works as an agent to help your body in proper digestion. You will no more have digestion or constipation problems after using this tea.

Can Help you Lose Some Weights From Your Body

It is known that the tea is a digestive agent. This leads you to have clear intestine. Once you get your food habits in control with perfect digestion, your weight-loss regime will just be cakewalk.

How to Prepare Damiana Tea?

First of all you need to decide whether you want raw tea or sweetened tea. Basing on that you will need the ingredients. If you want to make sweet tea then you need honey as an extra ingredient. Here are the steps for making the tea.

Step#1: Bring 4gs of the tea extract

Step#2: Put the extract in a container containing water and boil the same.

You can also boil only water if you want.

Step#3: Let the water boil for an hour. Then you need to pour that in cup. If you wish to mix honey in the tea, then it is fine.

You can also boil only water at first and then put the boiled water on the container containing the tea extracts. By doing so also you have to wait for half an hour.

Video on How Damiana Tea Aids in Fertility

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Hibiscus Tea – The Easiest Remedy To Stay Healthy

Hibiscus tea is a caffeine-free herbal tea made from the flowers of the Hibiscus sabdariffa or from the sepals of “Roselle” plant. The benefits of hibiscus tea have been well known in traditional medicines for centuries, and science is increasingly providing support for this age-old wisdom. From lowering blood pressure to its impressive antioxidant capabilities to providing support for pregnant women, the benefits of hibiscus tea are enticing people all around the world to try this aromatic, delicious, healthful flower tea.

Health Benefits of Organic Hibiscus Tea

Lowers Blood Pressure

Hibiscus Tea

The benefits of hibiscus tea are enticing people all around the world to try this aromatic, delicious, healthful flower tea. (Photo Credits

Numerous human studies have indicated that hibiscus tea can significantly lower blood pressure. The sabdariffa extract of Hibiscus has been compared to the drug captopril, and was found to be equally effective. Also, a 2004 study has validated that a daily cup of Hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels with very minimal side effects.

Immune Against Pregnancy

Hibiscus tea delivers some potential benefits to pregnant women. The flower tea is said to be in high in antioxidants, especially flavonoids. These special compounds helps fighting damage of the cells that may lead to degeneration and disease in the body. Consuming a significant level of antioxidants helps strengthen the immune system and keeps the mother and baby healthy and strong.

Weight Management

Previously, we studied about how antioxidants prevent damage in our bodies — which means that antioxidant is not just beneficial for pregnant women, but also helps with weight loss management. Drinking hibiscus tea every day is a very simple way to add antioxidants to your diet. Check out how hibiscus tea helps in weight loss.

Decreases Cholesterol Diabetes

The herbal tea is quite an effective choice for people with high cholesterol and diabetes, who usually tend to be at increased risk for high blood pressure. Studies have proven that consuming about two cups of hibiscus tea every day helps diabetics lower their blood pressure levels. Furthermore, they provide even more benefits by improving the levels of cholesterol. The flower tea, according to a research, shows that it can increase “the good” (HDL) and decrease “the bad” (LDL) in diabetics patients. More info on how hibiscus tea lowers blood cholesterol.

How To Make Hibiscus Flower Tea?

The key to making a cup of hibiscus tea is to find a strength to your liking.
Bring water (48 ounces) to boil, turn off heat, add three tablespoons of hibiscus flowers and two cinnamon sticks in the boiling water. Cover and steep for ten to twenty minutes.
Pour the tea into the container you desire, add 1/8 cup of sugar to it, an orange slice and serve over ice. You can also garnish every cup of glass with a lemon slice. Find out where to buy hibiscus flower tea.

Video on How to Prepare a Healthy Hibiscus Tea

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What You Ought to Know About Lemon Grass Tea

Lemon grass tea is one of the simple and excellent teas that exist. It has got a smooth taste and a zesty experience with details on green woods and cut grass, the finish of lemon grass tea is very refreshing and clean thus a great relaxer that can be used in the evening after a couple of events during the day. Furthermore, it also acts as iced tea on summer days and as free caffeine uplift. It is a wonderful tea that comes in small packs and familiarizing with it makes people make it a must-have in their kitchen cabinets.

Lemon Grass Tea

It is a refreshing beverage that gives one the urge to drink more and more of it. (Photo Credits)

Preparation of Lemon Grass Tea

Making lemon grass tea for oneself is a simple task that should not be a hindrance. First, one has to find two stalks of lemon grass, the roots of the first stalk are cut off, and all the dry outer leaves removed. Thereafter, tie the second stalk into a knot and dip it in the cup with sweeteners and cinnamon if one uses them. Pour hot water and lastly add lime juice if necessary to add taste and serve it while hot not forgetting a lemon grass stirrer. Find out how to make healthy lemon grass tea recipe.

Health Benefits of Lemon Grass Tea

Lemon grass has got positive impacts on one’s health. They largely help in digestion and also help patients with high blood pressure. It is a refreshing beverage that gives one the urge to drink more and more of it. For people living in warm climate areas, planting the lemon grass on their own can also work since lemon grass does well in such climatic conditions. More info on health benefits of lemon grass tea.

Lemon grass tea also helps fight cancer. One of lemon grass component called citral ensures the healthy cells are not damaged and the cancer cells protected by apoptosis. In a simple description, it kills the cancer cells. While undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy, people are encouraged to drink lemon grass tea. Furthermore, there are various properties of antioxidant in lemon grass that are responsible for lowering the risk of cancer by working against the free radicals. In addition to this, lemon grass tea reduces the level on arthritis pain because it has pain relieving and anti-inflammatory properties responsible for helping this out. Drinking lemon grass tea doesn’t just refresh you but also cleanses your body, promoting proper functioning of all organs. It also has a number of benefits that can help in weight loss. See lemon grass tea bags benefits on weight loss.


To put the matter to rest, as the name implies, lemon grass tea is a delightful and lemony flavored beverage that has great taste that people want. Lemon grass tea acts as a reminder that several elements are looking up.

Video on How To Grow Lemon Grass Tea

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Why is Having Ginger Tea Good for You?

The Ultimate Benefits of Ginger Root Tea

Having a cup of ginger root tea is followed from the olden days and is a regular custom in some countries still now. Ginger, packed with lots of antioxidants and vital minerals for your body has caught the attention of many. This is an ingredient that would always be available in your kitchen shelf as it forms an essential part of cooking as it belongs to the herb family. This is especially a good choice to have it during the winter. It also offers you the much needed lift to your mood swings and helps you to stay wide awake while preparing for any exams or working overtime on a project. More info on ginger root tea health benefits.

(Photo Credits

The antioxidants present in the ginger root tea helps in controlling the accumulation of fatty cells in your body thereby making your body to stay protected against the incident of stroke. (Photo Credits)

Relaxation of Senses

If you are working in a stressful environment, then having a cup of ginger root tea regularly is advisable as it offers much comfort to your senses and also relaxes you in a pleasant way. A whiff of the aroma of this tea would instantly improvise your mood and also clears you of all the troubles. It also has the ability to ward off the entire negative energy stored in your body. So having a cup of this tea every day morning would be a blessing in disguise to start the day with full energy and a fresh outlook.

Body Activation

Having a cup of ginger root tea would make you feel active as it improves the blood circulation that is necessary to stay away from the chills, excess sweating and fever. Also it has the ability to release the much needed minerals and amino acid ion to your body to ensure that the blood flow is smoother and also helps in preventing the risk of some cardiovascular diseases. This tea also helps in loosening the phlegm in your lungs. In addition to this, it helps in expansion of it to enable the smooth process of breathing, as well. Find out the effects of fresh ginger root tea recipe to arthritis.

Boasts Immunity

It also safeguards you against the regularly occurring common cold and flu. It also helps to pacify sneezing and other allergies which might otherwise put you in deep trouble. The antioxidants present in the ginger root tea helps in controlling the accumulation of fatty cells in your body thereby making your body to stay protected against the incident of stroke. This also helps in unclogging the arteries and lowering the level of cholesterol in your body. This paves way to stay healthy and stay away from heart attacks. It also has the ability to flush out the unwanted toxins in your body making it clean. Check out how ginger root tea aids in cold and flu relief.

Ginger Root Tea Preparation

This ginger root tea with so many remedial properties can be easily prepared in a jiffy. To the regular process of making your pot of tea, grate a piece of peeled and washed ginger slice and let it boil well. Take it away and strain and serve hot with or without sugar. You can also add a dash of milk to it for extra flavor. There is nothing equal than a hot cup of tea with the flavor and aroma of fresh ginger root to kick start a day in winter. Learn more about ginger tea recipe health benefits to your stomach and colon.

Ginger root tea with so many remedial properties can be easily prepared in a jiffy. There is nothing equal than a hot cup of tea with the flavor and aroma of fresh ginger root to kick start a day in winter. Why not give it a try?

Video on How To Make Strong Ginger Root Tea In Under 10 Minutes

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What To Know About Organic Passion Flower Tea

Are you looking for information on how to make passion flower tea and its health benefits? Well, you are in the right place, this is a very effective sleeping aid and has got different reaction to people, basically, it is known for its relaxing effect and it is commonly mixed with lemon balm.

Here is the standard recipe on how to make passion flower tea;

· Water which is about 8 ounces

· 1-2 teaspoons of dried passion flower leaves


Pour a cup of boiling water on to the material that is to be infused and let it stay for 5 minutes, sieve and drink it. Alternatively, you can also put the leaves inside a tea infuser or a muslin bag, and add hot water and let if stay for some minutes then you drink in about an hour before you go to bed.

Benefits and Uses of Passion Flower Tea

There are a number of benefits of using passion flower tea, as highlighted above, it is a very effective and efficient sleeping aid, a number of studies have shown that it has got good health benefits and some of the are as follows;

Anxiety Treatment

When you are anxious, you will tend to feel tense and uneasy, this is one of the finest herbal tea that you should always consider whenever you have anxiety, more so, it has got calming effect and this is due to the act that it has got a bio-active compound that is passiflorine and this is what will give you the sedative effect in the whole process. More info on passion flower tea and anxiety.

Passion Flower Tea for Insomnia

If you have got difficulties in finding sleep, you just take a cup of passion flower tea some moments before you get to bed, your body will be relaxed and at the end of it all you will have a good night sleep. Find out more about passion flower tea bags for insomnia.

Passion Flower Tea

Passion flower tea is a very effective and efficient sleeping aid, a number of studies have shown that it has got good health benefits. (Photo Credits)


There are some other additional uses of passion flower tea such as it can be used for treatment of body pains, aches and relieving nausea. It should also be noted that passion flower tea is not advisable for pregnant women simply because of its effects and it is also known for uterine stimulation.

In conclusion, this is one of the most important herbal tea simply because it has got a number of health benefits that most people are struggling to find them, more so, its natural product and this is good for your health.

The post What To Know About Organic Passion Flower Tea appeared first on Passion Flower Tea.

Medicinal Health Benefits of Drinking Parsley Tea

What is Parsley Tea?

Parsley tea is a cleansing tea that is part of the Umbelliferae family. Like any other tea, it has diuretic properties but is much more beneficial. The tea is rich in iron, vitamins (A, B and C ), and various trace minerals.The tea has a bitter flavor, but can be sweetened using honey to reap make it more palatable.

BuddhaTea Parsley Tea

Drinking Parsley tea is an excellent habit. It keeps diseases at bay and also offers relief when one is sick.

How to Make Healthy Parsley Tea Recipe

To get the most health benefits from the tea, it is best to derive the tea from fresh parsley. The following is a step by step guide on how to make parsley tea from scratch.
1. Get fresh parsley, chop it up, and allow it to dry. A quarter cup of chopped parsley will be enough for one cup.
2. Next, boil some water and pour it into the container containing the fresh parsley.
3. Leave it to seep for about 5 minutes.
4. Sieve the mixture and put the strained tea in a cup, add a sweetener if preferred and enjoy your beverage. More info on how to make a perfect cup of parsley tea.

Health Benefits of Organic Parsley Tea

With the unusual compounds found in parsley, researchers have found it to be chemoprotective. It can protect you from harmful cigarette smoke. The tea also protects you from cancer-causing agents that are so common in today’s environment. The agents are emitted when air pollution takes place and are known to cause various diseases, cancer among them.

For those with irregular periods, drinking the tea can help regularize your menstrual cycle. Most people have painful periods, and the tea can also offer relief from the pain

Drinking the diuretic at least once a day can help you shed the pounds. It’s especially helpful in loss of water weight that can leave one feeling bloated. Kindly note that the tea can cause pregnancy complications, and some people use it for abortion. Find out the effects of parsley to women’s health.

The tea contains a compound called luteolin, a powerful antioxidant. Together with vitamins contained in the tea, the antioxidants are essential in protecting your body from disease-causing free radicals. After the elimination of free radicals, you will be free of any disease, be more energized and your skin will look young and supple. Check out parsley tea benefits to menstruation.

The healthy beverage also contains folic acid which is crucial for cardiovascular health. The folic acid prevents blood vessel damage, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

The tea also contains potassium that acts as a diuretic. The mineral is used to treat kidney conditions. More info on the benefits of parsley tea to kidney health.

Drinking Parsley tea is an excellent habit. It keeps diseases at bay and also offers relief when one is sick. The tea is also inexpensive, and easy to prepare.

Video on How to Make Healthy Parsley Tea Drink

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Refreshing Dandelion Root Tea for Cleansing and Weight Loss

Health Benefits of Dandelion Root Tea

Since long, the Indian and Chinese cultures have been consuming dandelion root tea owing to its medicinal properties. Both the dandelion flowers and roots can be consumed in different ways to enjoy health benefits.

The roots of the plant are available in fresh or dried form, and liquid extracts, tinctures, tea, and capsules. Whether you plan to make your own fresh dandelion root tea after a weeding session or buy the ready-made version, you are sure to enjoy a number of health benefits, some of which we shall discover now.

Whether you plan to make your own fresh dandelion root tea after a weeding session or buy the ready-made version, you are sure to enjoy a number of health benefits. (Photo Credits)

Whether you plan to make your own fresh dandelion root tea after a weeding session or buy the ready-made version, you are sure to enjoy a number of health benefits. (Photo Credits)

First and foremost, dandelion root tea provides nutrition. This tea is rich in various minerals and vitamins that help our body keep functioning normally. Some minerals and vitamins that tea made of dandelion root contains are vitamin A, iron, copper, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Improves Digestion

Dandelion root tea also helps improve digestion. If you are experiencing bloating, gas, indigestion, or constipation, then few cups of this amazing tea will improve your digestive system and help it work the way it should. The tea helps clean the system, and unclogs inner organs, leading to better digestion.

Natural Relief to Premenstrual Syndrome

If you suffer from PMS problems, then too this root tea can prove to be of great help. By acting as a hormone and estrogen intruder, dandelion root helps in balancing the hormonal levels. So, if you drink about 2-3 cups dandelion tea during your menstrual cycle, you can enjoy the benefits, and avoid the pain and other associated symptoms.

Dandelion Tea for Detox and Weight Loss

Yet another benefit of dandelion root tea is that it works as a natural laxative and diuretic. It has no calories and so dandelion root tea is great for weight loss. Its root is rich in potassium that helps in urine flow. Thus, it helps prevent problems like blood pressure, urinary tract infection, and is a great remedy for water retention and bloating. It is also a natural laxative and helps the digestive system function normally. Find out how to make dandelion root tea recipe for detox.

Treatment for Various Skin Problems

The tea made using dandelion root is also believed to be an appetite stimulant. It helps revive the appetite of those who are undergoing a treatment for certain types of health conditions, and is thus very useful. This wonderful root tea can also help you get rid of various skin problems. It does so by eliminating toxins from the body that can cause skin troubles like eczema, psoriasis, and acne. If you consume this tea on a daily basis, it can clear your body of such conditions. Check out where to buy organic dandelion root tea bags.

Alleviates Depression

Drinking tea made of dandelion root may even help alleviate fatigue and depression that people experience as a result of stress. So, if you want to avoid such problems, and wish to have a beautiful skin, and happy and healthy life, start drinking dandelion root tea, right from now.

Video on How to Make Dandelion Tea

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Sipping on Nettle Tea for Incredible Health Benefits

Nettle Tea Health Benefits

Nettle tea is an herbal tea obtained from a plant called Urtica dioica which is native to Europe, the United States and Canada. It got its name from the hairs found in its stems and leaves. These hair release chemicals that can irritate one’s skin. It has been used since medieval times to treat joint pains and as a diuretic. New discoveries have come up to confirm the various health benefits of nettle tea. Nettle tea contains many biologically active compounds that come with lots of health benefits. Below are some of the health benefits of organic nettle tea.

Nettle tea

Nettle tea contains many biologically active compounds that come with lots of health benefits. (Photo Credits)

Nettle Leaf Tea and Prostate

Traditionally, this herbal tea was used to remedy urinary tract disorders particularly Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy or BPH in men. This condition causes prostate gland to enlarge hence interfering with urination. Various clinical studies have been put forth to support the use of nettle tea in treating BPH symptoms in men.

Packed with Nutrients and Minerals

Nettle tea comes along with high doses of powerful phytonutrients such as carotenoids and deep-green chlorophyll. It contains vitamins A, C, K and B. Additionally; nettle tea is also rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, boron, copper, strontium, manganese, and magnesium. You may also check out the health effects of nettle tea to anemia.

Powerful Antioxidant Properties

Nettle leaves contain natural polyphenols that have powerful antioxidant properties. Therefore, it is used to decrease oxidative stress in cases of accelerated aging. It is also thought to work great in treating many other chronic diseases. Check out nettle herbal tea recipe and its effects to lupus.

Allergy Relief

Allergies are awful and can take a toll on one’s life. However, consuming nettle tea can help rid seasonal allergies to a great extent. It helps to improve allergic symptoms such as sneezing, itching and other signs of rhinitis allergy, asthma and hay fever.

Stinging Nettle Herbal Tea and Diabetes

The herbal extract is beneficial in combating high blood sugar in diabetic individuals. However, before using it, it is advisable to seek medical consultation for the correct amount to take. It is also thought to be beneficial in treating other conditions such as high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Being a natural anti-inflammatory agent; Nettle tea has been used for various conditions such as treating arthritis. Research has shown that it decreases pro-inflammatory compounds like interleukin-6. Moreover, it can also help reduce NFkB that binds DNA.

Fights Infections

This herbal extract is rich in antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties hence great in fighting infections. It can significantly combat gram-negative and positive bacteria. Learn how to make organic nettle tea recipe for acne.

Video on How to Make Healthy Stinging Nettle Tea Recipe

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Amazing Benefits from Drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

As the name suggests, the name raspberry leaf refers to the leaf of the red raspberry plant. High in potassium, magnesium, iron and b- vitamins, these leaves are highly nutritious, especially when used in making tea. Red raspberry leaf tea which is made by infusing dried or fresh leaves of the plant in hot water is known to protect both men and women against a variety of disease and health conditions. Take a look at some of the amazing heath benefits of red raspberry leaf tea listed below in this guide.

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Health Benefits

Red raspberry leaf tea is a great herbal brew that can help provide relief to different ailments in a simple, effective and natural way. (Photo Credits)

Red raspberry leaf tea is a great herbal brew that can help provide relief to different ailments in a simple, effective and natural way. (Photo Credits)

Pregnancy Benefits of red raspberry leaf tea: Drinking tea made from red raspberry leaves is one of the safest and most beneficial herbal remedies for pregnant women. Containing an alkaloid known as fragrine, this herbal tea when consumed during pregnancy helps strengthen the pelvic area as well the uterus of pregnant women, helping shorten labor and make labor easier. Additionally, drinking this herbal tea regularly will not only help a pregnant woman prevent morning sickness and promote lactation, but also ensure healthy development in the fetus as well. Check out organic raspberry leaf tea for fertility.

Cancer Prevention

Red Raspberry leaf tea for Cancer protection: The leaves of red raspberry contain a significant amount of potent anti – cancer compound known as ellagic acid. This powerful compound is known to destroy cancerous cells, neutralize carcinogens and help boost the immune system. Drinking this caffeine free herbal infusion can help provide protection in certain kinds of cancers namely, lung skin, breast, colon and tongue cancer.

Antioxidant Properties

Strong Anti- Oxidant Properties: The strong anti – antioxidant properties present in this herbal brew help soothe the mucus lining if the bodily tissues. In addition, consuming this herbal infusion regularly helps protect the system from the invasion of bacteria and fungi, reducing irritable bowel syndrome and outbreaks of vaginal infection.

Gastrointestinal Aid

Red Raspberry leaf tea to treat Diarrhea: The tannins in red raspberry leaf helps give the leaf its astringent qualities beneficial for healing diarrhea and dysentery. Additionally, drinking a strong red raspberry tea will not only help soothe rashes, eczema and sunburn, but will also help alleviate symptoms of gum disease or gingivitis when swished in the mouth.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Due to the presence of anthocyanins (a chemical that gives the leaves its red color), drinking this herbal infusion can be highly beneficial in reducing inflammation and easing pain associated with arthritis and gout. Drinking red raspberry leaf tea three times a day regularly will help reduce your anti- inflammatory medication intake required for relieving pain in these conditions. Find out where to buy organic red raspberry leaf tea.

Easy to prepare, red raspberry leaf tea is a great herbal brew that can help provide relief to different ailments in a simple, effective and natural way. Including the tea in your daily routine can help provide you with great health benefits and help you stay fit and healthy naturally.

Video on Red Raspberry Leaf Tea and Pregnancy

The post Amazing Benefits from Drinking Red Raspberry Leaf Tea appeared first on Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Blog.

The Healing Powers of Chaga Tea

Chaga tea is now widely used in treating simple conditions like an upset stomach, but cancer patients are carefully working on adding it to their diet with the advice from their physician. (Photo Credits)
Chaga tea is now widely used in treating simple conditions like an upset stomach, but cancer patients are carefully working on adding it to their diet with the advice from their physician. (Photo Credits)

Inonotus Obliquus, or Chaga is a famous mushroom that usually grows on birch trees in colder climates throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Many people have said tha chaga doesn’t like a mushroom at all but looks can be pretty deceiving because this special mushroom provides a number of health benefits to serious health conditions.

Hundreds of years ago, chaga was unknown to the Western world until Russian author and Nobe laureate Alexandr Solzhenitsyn wrote a book about Cancer Ward where the protagonist is cured of cancer with the help of the superfood chaga mushroom. People then started wanting to know where to buy organic chaga tea for cancer treatment, or even the mushroom itself so they can make their home remedy easily anytime they need to.

The Healing from Home Remedies said that chaga is much more than just a folk medicine, but it is also a known treatment for tuberculosis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stomach problems, viral infections, cancer and recently, HIV infection.

Suprising Health Benefits of Drinking Chaga Mushroom Tea

One is advisable to consult their doctor before trying on a medicinal plant, especially if they have a serious condition and is taking some drugs along with it. Doctors are well aware of organic chaga tea health benefits and side effects so they may inform patients if it is a proper herbal supplement, or not.

Chaga has been studied for a number of its health benefits, but it still lacks sufficient proof to act as a medicine itself. But studies have shown that it greatly supports the immune system because of the abundance of beta-D-glucans. It also acts as a natural Biological Response Modifier (BRM) for activating the immune cells whenever necessary, and has been promising in fighting off the early stages of cancer.

Furthermore, it also has soothing properties, helps treat ulcer and gastritis, and greatly helps the elderly in normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Its antioxidant property has been attributed to a number of components like polysaccharides, phytosterols, melanin, betulin and betulinic acid, SODs and many more. These are all reported by the Global Healing Center.

Possible Side Effects

Too much consumption or consuming without prescription can lead to unwanted effects that may harm one’s health. Some studies have known that chaga mushroom can cause bleeding risk if taken with anticoagulant medications like aspirin and warfarin. It may also cause hypoglycemia if it interacts with insulin for diabetic patients. The Live Strong mentioned that chaga tea and mushroom still lacks sufficient clinical trial for the FDA to assess it safety in treating and preventing serious medical conditions.

Healthy Chaga Tea Recipe

Many people asked how to make a healthy chaga tea recipe and they should know that it is very easy and can be done at the comfort of their home. They can use fresh or dried chaga from the tree and break it into smaller chunks. Drop a handful of chunks into a liter of water and bring it to boil in a pot. Strain the mixture to remove the solids from the drink and it is ready to serve. Honey or maple syrup may be added for additional sweetness. Tinctures may be available in the market and simply added in a pot of water then bring to boil for about 5 to 10 minutes.

Related Articles on Chaga Mushroom Tea

Video on How To Make Chaga Tea

The post The Healing Powers of Chaga Tea appeared first on Chaga Tea.

Directions on How to Make Chickweed Tea

Chickweed is a wild flowering shrub that grows in lawns and open spaces all around the world, mostly in North America and Europe. Chickweed has small star-like white flowers which are in bloom from March to October. Chickens feed on chickweed, hence its name. Also referred to as tongue grass, adder’s mouth, satin flower, chick wittles, and winter weed, chickweed is popularly brewed into an invigorating herbal tea.

Chickweed Tea and Traditional Medicine

What is chickweed herbal tea good for?

Chickweed tea is quite the popular old wives’ remedy for weight loss. Even today, many people are learning how to make chickweed tea for weight loss.

Chickweed has long been used in traditional medicine to treat inflammation and purify the blood. The plant, in itself, has proven to be effective in the treatment of sinus discomfort, chronic coughing, digestive irregularities, and a number of skin problems.

Chickweed is a known source of calcium, magnesium, potassium. It has also profuse amounts of vitamin C. Its nutritional value and medicinal properties make for much of chickweed tea’s growing popularity among tea lovers. (Photo Credits)

Chickweed is a known source of calcium, magnesium, potassium. It has also profuse amounts of vitamin C. Its nutritional value and medicinal properties make for much of chickweed tea’s growing popularity among tea lovers. (Photo Credits)

Chickweed is a known source of calcium, magnesium, potassium. It has also profuse amounts of vitamin C. Its nutritional value and medicinal properties make for much of chickweed tea’s growing popularity among tea lovers.

Directions for Making Chickweed Tea

You can use either fresh or dried chickweed herbs in making chickweed tea. Both can easily be found in local health food stores.

Given the choice, it is best to use fresh chickweed herb when making chickweed tea. Fresh herbs tend to retain the plant’s nutritional values better. Fresh herbs generally offer better organic chickweed tea health benefits. If fresh herb is unavailable to you, then it’s perfectly fine to use dried herb, or even powdered chickweed in making your tea.

When preparing the tea, use 3 tablespoons of fresh chickweed herb or 2 teaspoons of dried chickweed herb for every 1 cup of water. Preparations slightly differ when making tea out of fresh ingredients and dry ingredients.

Here’s how we generally prepare chickweed tea using dried herbs.

  1. We boil the water in a saucepan. After boiling, we remove the saucepan from heat and pour the water into a cup.
  2. We then add dried 2 tablespoons of dried chickweed herb into the cupful of hot water.
  3. We let the mixture steep for at least 5 minutes.
  4. Best to strain out the chickweed herb while the tea is still hot.

And here’s how you make tea out fresh chickweed ingredients.

  1. Put 3 tablespoons of fresh chickweed ingredients in a cup.
  2. Boil a cupful of hot water in a saucepan.
  3. Once boiled, pour hot water into the cup containing fresh chickweed herbs. Let the mixture steep for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Best to strain out the chickweed herb while the tea is still hot.

Chickweed has been known to have potent diuretic properties. As such, it is best not to drink too much chickweed tea at a time so as to avoid dehydration. Always be on the safer side and consult with your doctor before consuming chickweed tea, or any other tea for that matter, for medicinal purposes.

Related Articles on Chickweed Tea

Video on Medicinal Benefits of Chickweed

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Eucalyptus Tea: More Than Koala Food Source

Eucalyptus tea is comes from the pungent lance-shaped grey and green leaves of eucalyptus trees and eucalyptus shrubs. At times, even the eucalyptus bark is added to the tea mix as well. Eucalyptus plants, with over 700 species, are native to subtropical countries around the world, which among others include Australia, Tasmania, Indonesia and the Philippines.

BuddhaTeas Eucalyptus Tea as Antioxidants

Popularly known as food source for koala bears, eucalyptus is definitely more than food for local wildlife.

Eucalyptus leaves are known for their distinct scent. In fact, eucalyptus derivatives are often turned into aromatic oils, most popular of which is eucalyptol. In preparing the tea, the eucalyptus leaves are often dried and macerated into hot water with near boiling temperature. This process effectively draws out the aromatic oils found in eucalyptus plant fibers. Eucalyptus extracts have long been known to possess potent antimicrobial and decongestive properties. In fact, eucalyptus is a popular ingredient in commercially available treatment for colds and nasal congestion.

Health Benefits of Eucalyptus

Popularly known as food source for koala bears, eucalyptus is definitely more than food for local wildlife. In fact, various schools of traditional medicine have long since recognized eucalyptus for the health advantages it offers. So what are the health benefits of drinking organic eucalyptus tea.

Native aborigines have been known to use eucalyptus leaf extract to treat the symptoms of various ailments from sinus congestion, to cold and fever. In the 19th-century, eucalyptus was a popular cleaning agent of urinary catheters at English hospitals. Other traditional systems of medicine, which among others include Ayurvedic, Greek, and Chinese medicine have been known to extensively use eucalyptus, as well. It’s also quite popular for doctors to recommend drinking eucalyptus tea for asthma relief.

In more recent years, eucalyptus is used as an active ingredient in a number of prescription medicines. Germany, for one, has been known to prescribe eucalyptus tea as treatment for bronchitis and sore throat. This makes perfect sense, of course, since eucalyptus is proven to have strong anti-microbial properties. This, in fact, makes for much of iits medicinal value. To be on the safer side, however, it is still best to check with your doctor before decide to medicate using eucalyptus tea especially if you are already taking prescription medications as there may be unwanted drug interactions.

There are fast growing bodies of research that are looking into the possible medical application of eucalyptus. Case in point, in a 2010 article published in Alternative Medicine Review, researchers report that “Surprisingly, there are also immune-stimulatory, antioxidant, and spasmolytic effects. Of the white blood cells, monocytes and macrophages are most affected, especially with increased phagocytic activity. Application by either vapor inhalation or oral route provides benefit for both purulent and non-purulent respiratory problems. ”

How To Make Healthy Organic Eucalyptus Tea Recipe

Many people have asked on how to make a healthy organic eucalyptus tea recipe. To make yourself a fresh cup of eucalyptus tea, simply pour a cupful of boiled water over a teaspoonful of dried eucalyptus leaves. Then you just cover and let the mixture steep for a good 10 minutes. And strain. You might want to sweeten the eucalyptus brew with a little honey.

Related Articles on Eucalyptus Tea:

Video on Eucalyptus Tea and Its Amazing Benefits

The post Eucalyptus Tea: More Than Koala Food Source appeared first on Eucalyptus Tea.

A Brimful Of Nutrients: Looking Into Chaga Tea

Dubbed to be the “King of Mushrooms”, chaga is a very exquisite commodity as far as tea ingredients go. Tea prepared from chaga mushroom is distinctively known for its smooth, rich flavor that soothes the senses of any tea drinker on the planet.

Chaga has a naturally mild flavor. For better taste, it might be a good idea to add a splash of lemon & honey, or even a sprig of mint. (Photo Credits)

Chaga has a naturally mild flavor. For better taste, it might be a good idea to add a splash of lemon & honey, or even a sprig of mint. (Photo Credits)

Scientifically referred to as Inonotus Obliquus, chaga mushroom sits on birch trees that inhabit the colder regions of the Northern Hemisphere. While chaga mushroom is infamous for its appalling appearance—appearing as if it’s no mushroom at all—chaga is equally famous for its profound medicinal applications

For centuries now, chaga has been known to be quite the commodity in the East, where it is revered for its profound health benefits. These days, however, chaga has been steadily gaining interest in the West as researchers and health gurus alike are becoming increasingly familiar with all its possible medicinal and health applications.

What are the Health Benefits of Chaga Tea

If you are wondering what are the health benefits of organic chaga tea bags recipe, A cupful of chaga herbal tea is practically a brimful of nutrients. A potent source of multiple B vitamins, chaga mushroom is gifted with exceptionally high levels of vitamin B5. Much of what makes for the high B vitamin concentration of chaga mushrooms comes from its natural ability to absorb the B vitamin content of the birch trees they live on. Other notable nutritional content of chaga mushroom include copper, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, calcium and selenium.

Chaga also contains significant amounts of antioxidants which counteracts detrimental free radical damage that results from oxidation. Chaga mushrooms are known to be a good source of melanin which makes for its natural black color. Apart from being responsible for its black pigmentation, melanin has profuse amounts of antioxidants via the polyphenols it contains. Case in point, chaga mushroom boasts the highest measures of antioxidant potency of any known superfood. Wild chaga tea is also known to be a great aid for losing weight. Find out where to buy wild chaga tea for weight loss.

How To Make Chaga Tea

The book “The Cancer Ward” by Alexander Solzhenitsyn elaboratates on the cancer fighting properties of chaga mushrooms. It probably a good idea to learn how to make chaga tea as potential treatment for cancer.

When making a fresh cup of chaga tea, you just put 3 heaping tablespoons of  chaga tea grind into a potful of water.  Remember not to boil. Instead, let the water steep on low fire on your stove. It is best to strain your tea using a fine strainer or cheesecloth. Note that chaga also makes for a refreshing glass of iced tea.

Chaga has a naturally mild flavor. For better taste, it might be a good idea to add a splash of lemon & honey, or even a sprig of mint.

Related Topics on Chaga Tea:

Video on Chaga Mushroom From Tree To Tea

The post A Brimful Of Nutrients: Looking Into Chaga Tea appeared first on Chaga Benefits.

Calendula: Edible Medicinal Petals

Calendula is a flowering plant that thrives in abundance in the United States, and in a number of countries across the globe as well. Calendula is also quite popularly referred to as marigold, which loosely translates into “sunbride.”

With its distinct burst of deep orange and yellow petals, calendula flowers are readily edible that raw petals are oftentimes mixed into salads. Calendula petals are also often brewed into herbal tea which serves a wide variety of medicinal purposes.

With its distinct burst of deep orange and yellow petals, calendula flowers are readily edible that raw petals are oftentimes mixed into salads. (Photo Credits)

With its distinct burst of deep orange and yellow petals, calendula flowers are readily edible that raw petals are oftentimes mixed into salads. (Photo Credits)

Calendula petals are known to make for much of the plant’s medicinal properties. Often, bright orange calendula petals contain the highest concentration of active medicinal compounds. These, among others, include decent amounts of carotene and essential oils.

When fixing yourself a cup of calendula tea, it is best that a handful of calendula petals are brewed immediately. The active medicinal compounds of the flower are known to break down not long after the flowers are picked.

Calendula Tea Bags and Health Benefits

Calendula tea bags offers many health benefits and has traditionally been used in the treatment and management of several skin conditions including eczema, sunburns, warts, and minor wounds, etch. Calendula has also a long history of being used as curative against cramps, coughs, and even snake bites.

More recently calendula extract and various calendula derivatives have proven to relatively effective in dealing with fever, cramps, stomachaches, flu and colds. Regular consumption of calendula tea has also proven to help detoxify the body, improve circulation, and even help regulate menstrual cycle in women. As such, you might where to buy organic calendula tea for menstrual cramps relief.

Much of calendula’s medicinal value has to do with the natural high content of flavonoids. These are naturally existing antioxidants in the body. Anti-oxidants are naturally existing chemical that protect cells from detrimental free-radical damage that often results fromoxidation. Without enough supply of antioxidants, free radicals tend to dominate and suppress immune function of the body.

How To Make Healthy Calendula Tea Recipe

As much as there are a number of benefits in consuming calendula regularly, there are also are many ways to fix yourself a cup of calendula tea.

Here’s how to make a healthy calendula tea recipe. To start with, we can always make use of boiling water with dried calendula flowers. To do this, we just place a spoonful of dried calendula flowers in a teacup full of near-boiling water. Cover with a saucer. And just let steep for a good 20 minutes.

We can also prepare the tea using boiling water still, but now with fresh calendula flowers. We just place fresh flowers in a jarful of boiling water over, cap, and let infuse until the tea cools enough to a safe drinking temperature.

It is best to strain your drink after your calendula tea has finished infusing. It is also a good idea to prepare small batches at a time and refrigerate the left over tea immediately. Calendula infusions are not exactly known to last for a particularly long time, so you may want to discard the remainder tea after a day or two.

Related Topics on Calendula Tea:

Video on Calendula Tea Health Benefits

The post Calendula: Edible Medicinal Petals appeared first on Calendula Tea.

Bilberry Tea And The Fight Against Free Radicals

With a distinct herbal taste that soothes and relaxes the senses, bilberry tea is a quite a popular brew enjoyed by tea drinkers, often with a splash of lemon or honey, in countries around the globe. There are also quite a number of people who are drinking organic bilberry tea for weight loss

The bilberry plant, from where the tea is made, grown in wild abundance in the mountain rangess of Eurasia. Bilberries, typically referred to as wild blue berries, thrives mainly in the temperate and subarctic mountains of the northern hemisphere— the mountains  of Europe, Asia and North America.

The bilberry plant, from where the tea is made, grown in wild abundance in the mountain rangess of Eurasia. (Photo Credits)

The bilberry plant, from where the tea is made, grown in wild abundance in the mountain rangess of Eurasia. (Photo Credits)

The bilberry fruit looks a lot like the American blueberry, albeit darker in color and smaller in size. While the bilberry fruits has long been a culinary staple used mainly to make variety of pastries and jam, the billberry leaves are harvested and turned into refreshing and nutrient-rich tea.

Bilberry Tea Bags And Its Health Benefits

Regular consumption bilberry tea provides body with necessary supply of vitamins A and C, as well as multiple B vitamins. A cupful of bilberry tea is also packed with calcium, potassium, sulfur and, zinc. But the health benefits of drinking bilberry tea don’t end here.

Apart from abovementioned vitamins and minerals, bilberry tea also consists of nutritional constituents which, among others, consists of beta carotene, pectin, quercetin, tannins, etc.  A number of these nutritional constituents that come from the bilberry plant have proven antioxidant properties. All things considered, you might want to learn where to buy bilberry leaf tea. Bilberry leaf tea appears to be the perfect brew for people looking into a new and perhaps healthier herbal tea.

Bilberry Tea: A Good Source of Antioxidants

Recent studies report that bilberry fruit does not only provide crucial nutrients. Convinced, researchers are now looking into bilberry derivatives as a potential treatment and management agent for various health disorders.

Researchers point out that bilberries are natural sources of chemicals referred to as anthocyanosides.  Anthocyanosides,  according to the research team of the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) have potent antioxidant properties, as well as high doses of natural vitamin C.

True to its name, antioxidants are nutritional agents that prevent, decrease and even reverse free radical cellular damage that often results from oxidative stress.

Additionally, bilberry has long been confirmed to be potent sources of polyphenolic components referred to as anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are primarily responsible for giving bilberry its distinct blue/black color and high antioxidant properties.  These anthocyanins, researchers believe, are the bioactives that make for most of the health benefits not only of bilberry, but of other fruits in the berry family as well.

Related Topics on Bilberry Tea:

Video on Health Benefits of Bilberry Tea

The post Bilberry Tea And The Fight Against Free Radicals appeared first on Bilberry Tea.

Thyme: The Ancient Herb that Makes the Best Herbal Tea

Thymus vulgaris has been widely used in the ancient times for culinary and medical purposes as it greatly helped women giving sprigs of thyme to brave knights facing death in the battle field.

Initially, thyme was added in a solution used for embalming in the ancient Egypt times while ancient Greece period used it for incense in temples that is commonly mixed in a waterbath. But the romans used thyme as flavoring for cheese and alcoholic beverage. This was written in a study in 1931 by Maud Grieve who was a Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society with an encyclopedic knowledge of medicinal plants, as reported in the Medical News Today

But thyme was so special that researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center even mentioned that Hippocrates, “the father of Western medicine”, himself have testified that the hern has many therapeutic uses in curing respiratory illnesses and conditions.

Health Benefits of Thyme Tea

Thyme tea recipe and its amazing health benefits will be discussed in this section of the article. One of compounds that made thyme tea effective is the compound thymol that belongs to a naturally-occuring class called “biocides” that can effectively destroy harmful organisms in the body.

The Health Line mentioned about nine health benefits of thyme tea, and some will be discussed in detail.

Lowers Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels

First, it effectively reduces the risk of high blood pressure and further lowers the cholesterol in the body. Experts advise that the best way to help thyme lower the heart rate is use it as a salt substitute in the foods you take.

Thyme tea can easily be prepared using fresh or dried leaves by allowing it to boil for about 10 to 15 minutes and can be taken several times in a day. (Photo Credits)

Thyme tea can easily be prepared using fresh or dried leaves by allowing it to boil for about 10 to 15 minutes and can be taken several times in a day. (Photo Credits)

Relieves Cough and Colds

Second, thyme can stop cough and colds. The best way on how to make fresh thyme tea for cough and cold relief is with the use of thyme essential oil that is extracted from the leaves. Many people have testified that drinking thyme tea is best if you have symptoms of cough and to alleviate signs of acute bronchitis.

And third, it has been known to boost immunity because it contains a lot of vitamins that the body needs every day. It contains tons loads of vitamin C and vitamin A that can fight off germs and viruses. Furthermore, it contains important minerals such as copper, fiber, iron and manganese.

One of the best characteristics of thyme is its good aroma that has therapeutic uses. It contains an active substance known as carvacrol that affects the activity of the neurons wherein it gives the positive feeling and mood of the person.

The Live Strong knows that people keep asking, “where can i buy wild thyme tea bags?” Thyme tea bags are easily available in health stores where other herbal teas are being sold. The tea bag can be dipped onto hot water and taken after a few minutes of soaking.

Related Topics on Thyme Leaf Tea:

How to Make Thyme Tea Using Fresh or Dried Thyme

Caption: Thyme tea can easily be prepared using fresh or dried leaves by allowing it to boil for about 10 to 15 minutes and can be taken several times in a day.

The post Thyme: The Ancient Herb that Makes the Best Herbal Tea appeared first on Thyme Tea.